View Full Version : Hi, I'm new here and very nervous

09-02-11, 22:22
My name is Meg. I have been suffering from depression for a while now and never really knew it until my fiancée brought to my attention all the changes that I was going thru and inadvertently putting him thru as well. I am here in the hopes that talking to like-minded individuals will help me to figure out why I am so depressed.:)

09-02-11, 22:23
Hi MaDukes1331

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

09-02-11, 22:31
Hi Meg, I too am new. I have met lots of lovely like minded people in the few days I have been here and am sure you will too.
Big warm welcome:welcome:

paula lynne
09-02-11, 22:33
Hi Meg, welcome aboard! You will find loads of support here, and make some great friends too. We are all here for you. Looking forward to hearing more of your story if and when youre ready to share. Great to meet you! x:welcome:

Vanilla Sky
09-02-11, 22:53
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

10-02-11, 13:30
Welcome to nmp