View Full Version : Chest Pain & Other Symptoms, Withdrawal Symptoms?

09-02-11, 22:22
I have been getting some chest pain for about a week, It's been slightly worse the last day or two and i am worried about it, I am having achey arms as well.

I am in constant pain at the moment as i seem to have Pulpitis in one of my teeth and they are struggling to find out which one is causing it so i'm going to be having toothache, mouth pain, earache and throat pain for at least another week until i go back to hopefully have a root canal done, What worries me is that Pulpitis is an infection in the tooth and there's no way to get rid of it by using antibiotics or anything, Only a root canal gets rid of it.

I guess what i am worried about is could this affect my heart in anyway?

I'm not sure if this chest pain and other problems are withdrawal symptoms? I came off Cipralex 2 weeks ago.

09-02-11, 22:38
I'm not sure if this chest pain and other problems are withdrawal symptoms? I came off Cipralex 2 weeks ago.

You have just answered your question Eggy.

Your body has to get used to being without this medication and these symptoms are classic of anxiety.

If i may be critical, If you try to spend less time focusing on your symptoms and try to gain some control and confidence back, you will feel a whole lot better. Not every ache and pain means fatal illness.

Life is too short to worry every single minute of every day. Have some fun and live poppet.


09-02-11, 22:44

I've had root canal done a good few times, it didn't affect my heart, the only thing that caused my heart any symptoms was my anxiety.

I'm sure you haven't got anything to worry about, and they are investigating your tooth, so you have done the right thing by going the dentist.

Lisa is right you need to stop spending so much time focusing on the symptoms.

di x

09-02-11, 22:52

I've had root canal done a good few times, it didn't affect my heart, the only thing that caused my heart any symptoms was my anxiety.

I'm sure you haven't got anything to worry about, and they are investigating your tooth, so you have done the right thing by going the dentist.

Lisa is right you need to stop spending so much time focusing on the symptoms.

di x

I haven't had a root canal i've got untreated Pulpitis and should hopefully have a root canal next week, What i was saying was is that Pulpitis is an infection and i've probably had it for 2-3 weeks at least and antibiotics don't cure it only a root canal does and i have to wait another week and i don't know if the infection can spread and go down the throat and affect organs?

09-02-11, 23:02
Eggy how did your dentist suspect pulpitis if they haven't found it?

And what makes you think it will affect your heart?

paula lynne
09-02-11, 23:02
It may give you a slightly upset stomach, but in no way can damage the heart. Your other symptoms are due to your withdrawal, I agree with previous posters.

09-02-11, 23:04
Well I googled it and no mention of any harm to other parts of the body

The chest pain is probably still indigestion like before

09-02-11, 23:06
Eggy how did your dentist suspect pulpitis if they haven't found it?

And what makes you think it will affect your heart?

I've been going to the dental hospital every week for the past 6 weeks and they know it's pulpitis from signs and symptoms but from what they told me the brain gets confused and doesn't know which tooth it's coming from and the pain i am getting in the tooth is probably referred pain from a different tooth, They done loads of work on this tooth that hurts in the past 2 weeks but it hasn't made any difference.

They have already done 4 fillings and got rid of the big holes, They said it could be any one of 4-5 teeth that has pulpitis and they need to do work on each one to see which one is causing the problem, There is one they suspect could be the cause and they are on about doing a root canal on it next week as i had a really deep filling in it 2 weeks ago and they think it could have been decayed too close to the nerve hence why the filling hasn't stopped the pain, It's very frustrating!

09-02-11, 23:08
Well I googled it and no mention of any harm to other parts of the body

The chest pain is probably still indigestion like before

What even though i've been on Lansoprazole for over 6 weeks?

The pain is there constantly or most of the time, It doesn't appear when eating or after eating as it's already there.

09-02-11, 23:09
Pulpitis can be firmly diagnosed by an X-Ray. It would not normally be connected with referred pain..have they done an X-Ray?

09-02-11, 23:10
Did you get your results of the Scan you had Eggy ? The Tooth problem will have contributed to your blood cell count ,as its an inflammation of the pulp in the tooth .You must have had it for a while to end up having a root canal .Tension is causing the pain in your chest .it will be due to the added anxiety due to discontinuation of the Cipralex ..t/c Sue

09-02-11, 23:12
Pulpitis can be firmly diagnosed by an X-Ray. It would not normally be connected with referred pain..have they done an X-Ray?

They have done loads, There's a lot of stuff going on in my mouth, I have had 4 fillings already with a couple of little ones still needing to be done, The senior dentist said today that it looks likely i have Pulpitis as all the other treatment hasn't worked.

09-02-11, 23:13
Did you get your results of the Scan you had Eggy ? The Tooth problem will have contributed to your blood cell count ,as its an inflammation of the pulp in the tooth .You must have had it for a while to end up having a root canal .Tension is causing the pain in your chest .it will be due to the added anxiety due to discontinuation of the Cipralex ..t/c Sue

No, No scan results, Looks like i am going to have to wait until April for them as they haven't sent them back to my GP i rang them again today.

I also have Gingivitis so even more inflammation in the mouth as well as the inflammation from Pulpitis, I haven't had a root canal yet but should be having one next week.

09-02-11, 23:15
Im surprised the senior dentist doesn't know how to diagnose a condition like Pulpitis Eggy, regardless of what is going on in your mouth.

He is the expert after all and should be able to interpret X-Ray results.

09-02-11, 23:17
Re your MRI results Eggy-your GP can request for them to be faxed directly to the surgery, so you don't need to wait that long.

Normally can be done within 72 hours.

09-02-11, 23:20
Re your MRI results Eggy-your GP can request for them to be faxed directly to the surgery, so you don't need to wait that long.

Normally can be done within 72 hours.

Yeah i need to get that sorted then i don't want to be waiting until mid April when i see the specialist again to find out, It's already been over 2 weeks since i had it done.

09-02-11, 23:21
Eggy i've had pulpitis loads of times hence the amount of root canal treatments i've had done, and i've been in a damn bit of pain from them, ear pain, throat pain, head pain, glands up, you name it and i've had it but never affected my heart, only my anx has ever made me think i had something wrong with my heart.

X-rays picked up my pulpitis, if its there they will find it.

09-02-11, 23:22
Im surprised the senior dentist doesn't know how to diagnose a condition like Pulpitis Eggy, regardless of what is going on in your mouth.

He is the expert after all and should be able to interpret X-Ray results.

They seem confused and can't seem to pinpoint the exact problem which i am not happy about as i am suffering a lot.

What is happening is as soon as i have a warm drink i get throbbing pain in the bottom left hand corner which seem to then hurt my face and sometimes causes earache and even my throat starts hurting, Drinking things like milk doesn't start if off.

09-02-11, 23:23
Eggy i've had pulpitis loads of times hence the amount of root canal treatments i've had done, and i've been in a damn bit of pain from them, ear pain, throat pain, head pain, glands up, you name it and i've had it but never affected my heart, only my anx has ever made me think i had something wrong with my heart.

X-rays picked up my pulpitis, if its there they will find it.

Sounds familiar, I'm getting face pain, throat pain, head pain, ear aches and everything but my glands seem ok.

09-02-11, 23:31
Eggy sometimes my glands are up and sometimes they are not, if the infection gets really bad then they come up to help fight it, thats what our glands are for.

Your symptoms all sound like the ones i have had many many times before, its just root canal at the end of the day if you need it, i had my last one done two years ago.

09-02-11, 23:34
They seem confused and can't seem to pinpoint the exact problem which i am not happy about as i am suffering a lot.

What is happening is as soon as i have a warm drink i get throbbing pain in the bottom left hand corner which seem to then hurt my face and sometimes causes earache and even my throat starts hurting, Drinking things like milk doesn't start if off.

It is clearly definable in an X-Ray, there should be no confusion. Maybe you should ask for a second opinion or go elsewhere!

09-02-11, 23:35
Well all the symptoms should disappear shouldn't they once i have had it done.

09-02-11, 23:38
Well if they can't diagnose it definitely and figure out which tooth is causing the problem then I don't see how they can rectify the matter..surely you don't want them to carry out root canal work on the wrong tooth? :shrug:

10-02-11, 00:18
To be honest i might ring an emergency dentist and get it done elsewhere.

10-02-11, 00:22
Eggy - I gave you a link to NHS dentists - did you never follow this up?

10-02-11, 00:35
Eggy - I gave you a link to NHS dentists - did you never follow this up?

Yes but i never managed to get into one that's why i have been going to the dental hospital since September.

10-02-11, 00:46
I am sorry but that is rubbish! All of those dentists were accepting NHS patients so why did they not accept you.

We try to help you and sometimes I think you are just not bothering to take our advice!

You really don't help yourself here.

Give me the list you called and I will call them for you if you like!

10-02-11, 00:54
Besides a dental hospital is a better than a dentist.

I just rang NHS Direct for an emergency dentist appointment and they said another entist would be very hesitant and reluctant to do any work on me as i have been having treatement at the dental hospital for nearly 6 months now and to let them carry on with the work so got no choice but to keep going there and hope they sort this out!

10-02-11, 00:57
You just called NHS direct tonight? It is hardly an emergency is it ?

But they are not being helpful and you are waiting months between appointments

I give up Eggy - good luck with it

blue moon
10-02-11, 05:05
Hi Eggy.
why don't you get all your teeth taken out,and have false ones that could solve everything.Good luck
Petra :D

10-02-11, 13:22
Besides a dental hospital is a better than a dentist.

I just rang NHS Direct for an emergency dentist appointment and they said another entist would be very hesitant and reluctant to do any work on me as i have been having treatement at the dental hospital for nearly 6 months now and to let them carry on with the work so got no choice but to keep going there and hope they sort this out!

In the meantime there is nothing to stop you registering with an NHS dentist, even if you are under the care of the Dental Hospital..perhaps you can look at Nic's list again.

You would be actively encouraged by the hospital to register with a dentist for future dental care when the current work is finished.

Trust me, I know how these things work..I have had plenty of experience with them. :winks:

10-02-11, 16:23
Listen to the advice you've been given Herr Eggy. I can understand not wanting to change dentists between treatments but registering with a local NHS dentist is a good idea.

You concentrate too much on self-diagnosis which leads me to think that you haven't got your HA under control. Let the dentist decide whether it's x, y or z condition rather than Googling all the time.

Take responsibility for your HA Eggy because, trust me, no one else will.

10-02-11, 22:15
I,ve had three root canals on the nhs , each one was found by an xray , basically my dentist told me its the way were wired up that causes the refered pain , as i didn,t know which tooth was causeing the pain , but an xray should show which one iirc ?
Anyway , my three root canals didn,t last the distance , my "capped" tooth didn,t either .
I ended up haveing them out :ohmy: I go every 6 months for a check up and years later i got told i needed two more root canals , NO WAY , i got them taken out after lets say a rather long discussion with the dentist about how he could save the teeth . There all at the back , you can,t see any gaps in my teeth when i smile , i can chew fine and i,m glad i got rid .

Perhaps the way they do root canals these days are different or my old dentist was crap (my new one is great :yesyes:)

Good luck eggy , and get reg with a good NHS DENTIST :yesyes: