View Full Version : My constant battle with the fear of a Brain Aneurysm

10-02-11, 02:01
It is getting to the point where its unbearable to do anything in the day or night...
i even get worried when my partner goes to be i think that i am going to have one and he will be asleep and it will be too late..

I have the worst fear of having a Brain Aneurysm :(
I think it all started when our family friend had one and dropped dead then a boy i knew had one and he is the same age as me... he then died...

its the fact it can happen at any moment for no reason..

its making me sick with depression and worry..

i also get some dizzy stages thru out the day... one minute im watching tv and the next i am holding my head because it is spinning so much...

someone help i have reached the end

10-02-11, 02:04
Can't offer much advice as i have the same fears as you :weep: I get horrible shooting pains in my head and i'm convinced that i'll drop dead or something, just know that you aren't the only one XX

10-02-11, 02:06
I get that so much... the shooting pains also... its horrib :( im sorry your going thru it too

10-02-11, 08:21
Can you take comfort in the fact that if it was a brain aneurism you wouldn't be here to write this thread! I get shotting pains in my head too and know other people that do but I'm pretty sure we haven't all got an aneurism. I don't mean to sound harsh just realistic. I suffer terribly with HA so know how difficult it is to get something out of your head once the seed is planted but with me the more anxious I get the more symptoms I get, it's amazing what the mind can do.

K xx

11-02-11, 01:07
I can relate - my mother passed away when I was just 15 years old from an an Aneurysm, and it was the root of all my HA.
However, I've finally come to accept (most of the time anyway!), what will happen, will happen, and she lived her life to the full - why don't I? And now, when I get dizzy or have a headache or anything, I just don't let it get to me, because I just know it's nothing serious...I'm just too stressed and anxious!

Oh, and I agree with Kah, you wouldn't be able to sit and be writing this thread if it was an Aneurysm!
You'll be okay :) Just try and live life to its fullest, you deserve to!


11-02-11, 14:24
i have a huge fear of this- dizziness, weird feeling in head, pain etc.your not alone :)

14-02-11, 21:20
Yeah im the same.....i know someone who had it and i worry. I get dizzyness without any warning.....all down to Health anxiety.
You are not alone mate.

03-06-11, 04:25
I had this fear for awhile due to stabbing pains that would shoot through my head like a gunshot then disappear. I enlisted chiropractic help at that point just in case and the pain disappeared. The spine and nervous system are the most common culprit much of the time.

06-08-11, 05:56
Hey All! I had a brain anuerysm in oct. 2005 and just barely made it. But, I MADE it. You would surely know if you had an anuerysm, and most of the time MRI and PET scans can pick anything up if you have one. Stabbing and shooting pains in peoples heads happens to many. Good luck to all and no worries! Take it from someone who had a very small chance to live, living is what you should concern yourself with. What is going to happen is just going to happen, nothing anyone can do to change it.

06-08-11, 15:51
My fear of an anerysum used to be huge, shooting pains in head. the less i thought about it the more they passed x
try not to worry

06-08-11, 19:13
This very fear consumed my life for no less than a year. I would not move my head, I was 100% convinced I knew I had one, I had unequal pupil sizes even. I had every red flag symptom. I had a CT and MRI brain scan (paid for by my parents as an xmas present because I could not get on with my life without it) and a lumbar puncture, every eye test and brain pressure test under the sun. Every single one came back okay, I am still alive 5 years later. Trust me, it's not.

12-04-18, 22:27
This is becoming a problem for me now also, I get tongued tied a lot with pains in my head...a friend of a friend died of one suddenly while she was driving, she was only 31...I'm 31 on Saturday....people keep telling me they're rare and I don't smoke so I'm likely to be okay, but I'm really fretting as I get shooting pains in my head a lot. I can't sleep with the worry.