View Full Version : Don't feel anxious but I am not feeling like supposed to, like I did...

10-02-11, 02:28

I don't feel anxiety anymore (at least I think I don't) and I am not the old me, like I used to be, it's different somehow it's like my brain is overwhelmed and I don't fully concentrate on the thing I do, I also forget what time it is, it's like I am lost, don't living the day with fully potential... Don't really know how to explain my stage... Any suggestions ? How to make feel like the old me? Should I relax my mind or smth? Sometimes I got wired thoughts as well like, AM I OK?! IS THIS REAL LIFE?! AM I IN A DREAM? and stuff like that...

Thank you all in advance.


12-02-11, 04:59
Anyone help ???

12-02-11, 10:53
not sure i can help much as i seem to be in the same place its like im almost worried about thinking normaly i seem to be thinking about what im thinking about i feel like im just waiting for the panic attack to happen and my mind goes blank i keep forgetting words i just think and feel not right are you taking any meds i am and im not sure if there helping or not i just cant seem to make my mind up i think i coped better when i was anxious any way hopefully it will pass soon and we can get on with are lifes

12-02-11, 14:58
Yeah JGJ, kind of the same but not exactly, it's like my mind is always blank and it never used to be before this you know... ****ed up condition

12-02-11, 17:17
i think i can relate to this.
i feel like i couldn't panic even if i want to I'm exhausted too my whole body is so tired. i feel blank and kinda just in a very weird place. i keep thinking weird things like is this my life now nothin but emptiness and tired i don't no how to help my self i have just taken myself to bed.and now feel like a loser cos i have done that.

22-02-11, 19:53
I really empathise with how you all feel. I feel very much the same right now.

I get the depersonalisation quite badly at the moment. I had it in work earlier, it just felt like suddenly I became very spaced out and my mind went blank. Of course that then brought on an anxiety attack.
Did anyone feel "weird" when they interacted with people? At the moment if I laugh I feel like I am going to start crying/go hysterical. Which I hate as I love having a laugh. And what I hate is things that used to bother me, suddenly I can't feel anything about them.
It's strange, I am kind of scared to "feel" now. Part of me thinks it's all just the anxiety really, and the fact my nerves/mind are so tired from all the worrying and panic.

22-02-11, 20:09
I totally understand what you are all feeling, as I am the same. Are you on meds? If so how long have you been on them?
I started my meds just over 2 weeks ago now, and while most of the side effects have gone, I still feel a little anxious at times...but sometimes...its just there but not really if that makes any sense! I know I don't feel the same either, quite detached from myself and situations, find myself walking around the house sometimes and can't remember what I was going to do. I know that its just the meds, they haven't taken full effect yet, but once they do, I will be good again...( been there, done that afew times now!)