View Full Version : Fear about eyes and a big lesson learned

10-02-11, 10:30
I had to see an Eye Surgeon yesterday as my Optician had picked up on something going on behind my retina. Of course I was absolutely terrified about the appointment, and I was, of course, thinking the very worst. Again for me, it was a case of knowing something was seriously wrong.

All is good. I have an absolutely tiny flat mole behind my retina, and the Surgeon has no worries about it. Its located in a good place to see if any changes (very highly unlikely) happen, and regular Optician's appointments will monitor if it did every change. I am now able to stop worrying. Apparantly 1/3 of the population have moles like this, and some people never know they have them.

Secondly, and I cant remember the technical terms used, but I have some slight scarring on the back of both retinas. This will not effect my eye sight, and my eyes are fine for my age. The scarring can be caused, apparantly, by steriods (never used them) or maybe even an insect sting which causes swelling, damage then scarring. Never had an insect bite! The third reason is STRESS. This must be the reason for me, and it really brought home the horrible unforeseen and damaging effects that stress can have on us, and how learing to control it is so important. I'm obviously feeling so relieved there is nothing sinister going on, but I am shocked that my emotions can do this to my body.

I hope this message will help anyone who is ever referred to an Eye Specialist by an Optician. We are so lucky Opticians can see irregularities and that amazing care and procedures are available. If something looks very wrong your Optician would refer you immediately to hospital. I worried for nothing, but I now realise how important regular eye tests are. I hadn't had one for years and years. I had nothing to fear but wasted so much time and energy doing so.

10-02-11, 16:22
Really pleased for you and thanks for the update , you must feel so relieved :yesyes: