View Full Version : Panicking Again

10-02-11, 12:04
I am struggling today with health anxiety, not for me but my husband. He is 46 and was ill over christmas with a really bad cough. The doctor prescribed antibiotics and sent him on his way. He was back a couple of weeks later more antibiotics and an inhaler. He has another appointment monday as even though its a lot better he is still coughing and suffering with breathlessness. He keeps saying his chest is tight but gets some relief form the inhaler. I keep telling myself its asthma or a pet allergy ( we recently got a new kitten ) but in the back of my mind i keep thinking its something more serious. I cant seem to relax and spent most of last night awake i dont want to end up as ill as i was in october because it was a blur and i have a gorgeous seven year old i need to stay strong for its just really hard today x x

10-02-11, 12:09
Cassie, if it makes you feel any better, my mom was sick last fall and her cough stayed with her for TWO months! She is fine now and it was nothing more serious, but after someone is sick, for whatever reason, the cough/breathlessness feeling can stay awhile without anything serious being wrong.

Also, worst case senario he has asthma or like you said a pet allergy. If it was something terrible, I really think there would be many more symptoms. Christmas wasn't that long ago and I bet he had a bad virus/flu. I wouldnt worry about it

10-02-11, 12:15
The doctor said a chest infection x its just every time some one is unwell close to me i seem to panick that something is serious i cant seem to think rationally. I dont want to discuss it with my husband he thinks i am mad already x

10-02-11, 13:32

My little nephew had a bad cold over Xmas and he too is still coughing like mad. I think there's just been some nasty bugs going round that seem to be lingering. Hope that puts your mind at rest a little.

K xx

10-02-11, 14:28
Thanks Kah and vitamin I am thankful for your replies. I just get so worked up i need to try and control it before i end up ill again x x

10-02-11, 14:38
Cassie, I tend to do the same (always to at least some extent) but due to me becoming depressed over the last year it's become ridiculous and I spend my whole life imagining that my kids have something awful. I'm trying to get help with this but it's very difficult because it's legitimate to worry about those people close to you and you can't just cease to pay attention to their wellbeing entirely so you have to learn to draw an appropriate line. That's not a line that I'm familiar with yet I'm afraid.

11-02-11, 13:37
I know what you mean b4eve its scary when the thoughts control your everyday life !! I am on citalopram and have been for four months. Hoping to be more positive but its hard.