View Full Version : chest muscle tension

10-02-11, 13:17
hi i really hope some one can help because at the moment i can take no more.

i thought i was getting better had been having massive panic attack over Christmas and new year convin:shades:ced i was not breathing correctly. it did later turn out i had bronchitis. any way i took my antibotgap and finally thought i was beating anxiety. but I'm not i have been to doctors s many times and seen different doctors and nurses but I'm still strugglin.
i have what the doctors and nurses say is muscle tension in my chest.

it is in my shoulders but spreads across x chest. it hurts more when moving. it can also come and in and can come in my throat and back. the pain is making me so anxious i can't do anything. on a morning when i wake its ok them i sit up and wham its their all over my chest and shoulders. i don't iden to get any relief if I'm not worrying about the pain I'm having the pain. the pain at times also makes me feel very breathless. I'm tired all the time and just want the pain to stop.
can any one relate.
sorry for the spelling mistakes I'm on my phone x

10-02-11, 14:02
Have the docs suggested you do some exercising to stretch the chest muscles or relax and take things easy?

Did they offer any pain relief?

Was acid reflux/indigestion not suggested either?

10-02-11, 16:45
nothing my doctor just said its anxiety and that was it. went back and saw a nurse Tuesday cos just felt like i was being fobbed off she checked my chest listened to what i said described and again said it was muscle tension. i have just had a appt with my therapist wi said it was normal with anxiety.
i asked how come i have never had it before and she just said cos i he never fixatdd on it.
just feel weak in my chest muscles and arms and get a tightening in my throat just needed to see if any otbody could relate. so worried about it.

they just say relax and it will go away!
i tried spending two days doing nothing and it hurt more. today i have done more and it has eased just need the throat tightening to stop now.

10-02-11, 17:00
Well yes chest pain is normal with anxiety and stretching it will help ease it.

The throat thing is very very common with anxiety - I get it all the time.

10-02-11, 18:01
try my old favourite,,,lift your arms above your head as if you putting them at the back of your head to relax,,hold for awhile ,,this really works for me and my son who both suffer from muscle spasms in the chest and back

10-02-11, 18:36
I,ve just been back to the docs today as i,ve only been put on citralapram 20 mg a month ago , so it was just a check up thingie .

Now i,ve been haveing chest pain , a tight throat and today under both of my arms ache , i,ve got a lump feeling in my back , and can feel my food going down :mad:
I hate it , but ive been told again its all very common :shrug:
My reply to the doc was , "but i don,t feel anxiuos now " ???

Apparantly you don,t have to feel anxiuos for these things to show , its once your nervous systym has been stressed it plays games with you , or something like that i was told . I still find it hard to accept ???

10-02-11, 20:17
hi thank you all for your replies just wish i could get relief from them . i typed in my pain and everything i was feeling and it said heart attack and showed picture of where the pain would be. i can't cope any more with it all. with the lightheadedNess the pain the tiredNess i just can't do it no more.

10-02-11, 22:07
You would know if you were having a heart attack I promise

10-02-11, 22:34
hi thank you all for your replies just wish i could get relief from them . i typed in my pain and everything i was feeling and it said heart attack and showed picture of where the pain would be. i can't cope any more with it all. with the lightheadedNess the pain the tiredNess i just can't do it no more.

i don,t want to bore you with with my HA history (only over 4 months) but i,ll give you the short version !

I had pains under both arms , pain down my left arm , burning hot skin , neck ache so bad i couldn,t sleep , chest pain , sore eyes , pains under my chin , shooting into my throat and spent weeks on the couch trying to sleep as i couldn,t sleep and didn,t want to disturb my wife sleeping .
Also had leg ache in the groin area , sore Nuts (sorry :blush::blush:) , swallowing problems .
I googled day and night , i had every type of cancer going or i was going to get it as i used to smoke (i looked at a throat cancer pic and gave up smokeing that second and will never touch one again , that was four months ago ) . DR google did a lot of this to me , and someone saying about barrets when i mentioned my acid reflux problem . I googled this and spent all day going hot and cold sweating , getting chest pain , scared myself tp bleeding death . DON,T GOOGLE ITS PANTS !!

It was awefull , i really thought i wouldn,t see xmas . I was tired all the time aswell.

what helped me was the meds , and the advice off here to distract myself . I forced myself to go for a walk , to do something to take my mind of my symptyms and slowly i began to feel better . Every ache or pain i get i still "self diagnose" but i,m getting better , the more you ignore the symtyms the more they seem to dissapear for me .

Hope this helps in some way :bighug1:

10-02-11, 22:38
If you don,t mind me asking how old are you , i,ve noticed most people on here thinking they have a heart problem are very young

12-02-11, 09:34
hi took a lot of your advice end seems to be worgmg feeling after x in only 26 x

anx mum
12-02-11, 10:01
hi took a lot of your advice end seems to be worgmg feeling after x in only 26 x

Hi ive been getting chest pains im 32 sharp central pains my doc thinks these are chest wall pains really scare me

12-02-11, 10:13
hi took a lot of your advice end seems to be worgmg feeling after x in only 26 x

26 .....you lucky git :D Try being 45 with chest pains ..lol..:D

Its strange , chest pains don,t worry me even at my age i accept its nothing , any ear ache , anything to do with my throat / neck and i pannick !! To much googling about it did this :ohmy::ohmy:

I think we all have something we focus on and sometimes its hard to get past this .
I,m doing all the house work today while my wife is out enjoying herself , i,m quite looking forward to it as a distraction and the Brownie points , i,ve not thought about my throat at all today ......yet !

12-02-11, 10:19
Hi ive been getting chest pains im 32 sharp central pains my doc thinks these are chest wall pains really scare me

Thats how mine are , they come from no where , centre pain and spread across the chest . I did 6 hours work yesterday , labouring ..basically barrowing soil all day , not a twinge ? ,i sit down and when my shoulders are tense , i can feel my jaw clenced and my globus feeling comeing back .
Its all going to get ignored again today .

Your very young at 32 , you just need to get past this and start to enjoy yourself and family again .

Try going for a walk to day

Take care xx