View Full Version : Hi, I'm Dean and hating Clomipramine.

10-02-11, 14:11
Hi All

I was started on Clomipramine last week, for OCD. Initially 25mg, and I have to up by 25mg each week. Do this is my second week and I'm now on 50mg. It has become unbearable. Last week was ok-ish, few side effects. This week is another story. I can't eat, I've become very aggressive towards my wife, I feel shaky, VERY paranoid...I can't sleep, I've had suicidal thoughts. It's awful. As I write I'm waiting for a nurse to call me as my Dr is on leave....

Anyone else had this?

10-02-11, 14:12
Hi Dean78

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

10-02-11, 14:32
Thank you :0)

I just feel completely lost. Before the meds I was an active person. I religiously lifted weights, went running, I worked. With the meds I can't do any of that, or I find it very difficult anyway. I'm pretty down this week. I see nothing changing soon. :0(

10-02-11, 14:38
Hi Dean
I was prescribed this drug laast Thursday. I lasted 3 days!

I was so physically ill on it got to the point I could not keep anything down not even water let alone the pill itself. I had unbearable hot flushes and very prickly skin felt like I had been poisoned, so understand exactly what you mean.

It took me another 3 days in bed to get over taking this pill.

I know not all meds work for everyone I had a bad experience on Fluoxetine as well.

I have been prescribed Sertraline now but am not going to take it straight away a bit scared!

Hope you find something that works better for you xxx

10-02-11, 15:38
Hi Dean welcome to the site. I am with Lizzyg on this, I too have been taking prozac (fluoxetine) for nine days and let me tell you it's been nine days of hell. I have today been taken off it by my GP. Most anti-depressants cause unwanted side effects and usually ware off in a few weeks. Hang in their, if you can not cope please go back and see your GP.

10-02-11, 15:53
Hi Lizzy and Buster

Good news, a Dr just phoned and gave me the choice of going back to 25mg (they think the dose increase was too soon) or stopping that drug altogether. No brainer. Goodbye clomipramine!

Going back to find an alternative. Yay.

10-02-11, 16:02
Hi Lizzy and Buster

Good news, a Dr just phoned and gave me the choice of going back to 25mg (they think the dose increase was too soon) or stopping that drug altogether. No brainer. Goodbye clomipramine!

Going back to find an alternative. Yay.

Good news, did your doctor say it was ok to just stop taking the clomipramine?

10-02-11, 16:51

10-02-11, 16:54
Yes, she just said I can stop altogether or just go back to 25mg.

10-02-11, 16:56
Did your Doctor say it was safe just to stop straight away? How long have you been taking it altogether?

Regards Ian

10-02-11, 18:48
Hi Ian

I only started Monday, last week. These are the first meds I've ever taken for OCD. I'm assuming it was safe to stop everything at once, due to only being on them a week and a half.

10-02-11, 19:06
Hi dean, That should be fine. I was told the same thing about the prozac I was on I started that on the 2nd feb. I was told to stop that straight away. I was dubious but The GP's know best. And I we have to take their word for it.