View Full Version : Dull Ache in Ovary - Freaking Out!

10-02-11, 15:22
Hello and thank you for reading,

I have had a dull ache in my ovary area for about three weeks now. It's not agony but I can feel it aching all the time and when I cough, hiccup, sneeze etc. can feel a pulling in that area.

I went to my GP last week and she had a feel around my tummy and said nothing feels untoward and that she thinks I may have strained a muscle.

It is still aching and I am freaking out that it is Ovarian Cancer.

Has anyone else had this and can they reassure me.

Thank you so much.

10-02-11, 15:52
It does sound like a pulled muscle to me to be honest.

Do pain killers help at all?

10-02-11, 16:06
If you do not present any other symptoms that would suggest you have Ovarian Cancer you must trust your Dr on this .He /she would send you for tests if they even slightly suspected this is what you had .Its very easy to strain or pull muscles in the stomach area .try to relax more as being tense will aggravate it ,This will then take longer to heal .Apply a hot water bottle to the area , and take some Ibuprofen .Ive done this a few times and it will ease after a while .Sometime you can have a dull ache due to ovulation .Could this be a possibility ?T/c Sue x

10-02-11, 21:18
Hi - yes I've had exactly this. I have breast cancer in my family so assumed it was ovarian cancer too. Doctor also reassured me. Typical of me, I wasn't happy and paid privately for an ovarian scan. It was fine. Nothing there....

Pain went eventually although bizarrely came back recently but I'm not thinking about it too much.

I think it will eventually settle down.

11-02-11, 14:28
you can also get this sort of pain with ibs it is a very common area for ibs pain x

11-02-11, 16:26
Sounds like muscle strain. I think you'd have a lot of other symptoms with ovarian cancer when its at the stage of pain. I used to get ovulation pain...that was because when I ovulated a little cyst appeared and boy was it painful. Used to go on for about 2 weeks

11-02-11, 17:05

I get a lot of ovary pain, like a dull aching but my GP has assured me it's IBS. He showed me where in the body the bowel (I think) goes and it basically runs under both your ribs and down near the ovary area on both sides, almost like in a square shape so that explains the ovary and pain under ribs I get.

K xx

11-02-11, 18:01
Thanks everyone, I really do appreciate your comments. I went back to my GP today and she has reassured me again that it is nothing serious, but has referred me for a scan as she knows how freaked out I get.

Trouble is I am worrying about that now!

When my doctor pressed on my tummy on the other side of my niggle it really hurt, feels like trapped wind and it runs up into my back tonight. I suffer from IBS so do you think it's this? Are there any fellow IBS suffers whose stomach hurts when pressed?

As you can probably tell my HA is off the richter scale at the moment!!!

Thank you for your time.

11-02-11, 20:52
Oh yes, definately sounds like IBS pain. I get this too. Ovary pain and pain in my left lower back, left side and left rib area. Also in my left hip. The scan will put your mind at rest. let us know how you get on.


11-02-11, 20:54
Sorry meant to say my stomach is very sensitive and if pressed feels like its pushing on lots of trapped wind.


14-02-11, 14:59
Oh thanks mum of 4, your symptoms sound exactly like mine. I think I have worked myself up into a frenzy convincing myself it is Ovarian Cancer. I feel as if my stomach has bloated and everything, but my husband says he can't notice anything different (not sure thats a good thing :)).

I have the hip pain too, on both sides and the lower back pain is horrible.

I will let you know how I get on with my scan.
