View Full Version : Ohhh my God... (slightly graphic)

10-02-11, 16:31
:scared15: was looking up something on google images just now - do not ask, friend told me to - and up came dozens of various photos as per usual - one was clearly of a child wearing a pair of speedos.... Became very quickly obvious WHY that image would come up - particularly after checking url of said image, googling URL which pretty much confirmed my suspicions - presumably "nasty" stuff. Didn't click on either image or website so haven't actually accessed website - only seen that one picture on google images, and only searched website address twice (2nd time just to check I was reading what I thought I was). Presumably I haven't done anything wrong, I'm not going to have anyone coming demanding my laptop on suspicision of anything? As I didn't access anything illegal? Slightly worried now and horrified as to how easy it is to find things like "that" :lac:.. Are you meant to report it to someone if that happens?

I presume in this case it's not purely anxiety that's making me worry as I suppose anyone would be a bit worried!!

10-02-11, 16:42
Well Google images shouldn't contain any nasties that would get you into trouble. Even the most innocuous pics can be labelled as taboo these days so I really wouldn't worry about it, especially as you never entered a dodgy website.

10-02-11, 16:46
You havnt accessed the website so you havnt done anything wrong Daisy .Try to forget it .These things happen unfortunately :mad:. I can understand how worrying this would be tho .I dont know who you would report this too ,but maybe someone will be able to tell you .The people who put this stuff on the internet need locking up and the key throwing away .:nicked: Take care luv Sue x

10-02-11, 16:57
I think most of us have at one time or another have done searches and come up wiht results that were not exactly what we have in mind, and that we would prefer no one know we ever saw.

Example - with my last job out of the house, there was a restaurant down the street called Southern Pleasures, specializing in American Southern cuisine. One day at the office, some of us decided to order takeout lunches from there. We knew they had a web site, so we typed in "southern pleasures" and clicked on what looked like the right URL.

Welllllllllllllll, the pleasures offered at the site we pulled up was not exactly what we had in mind LOL. What we learned is that the restauration had a ".us" domain name, since the ".com" domain was already taken by - well, the site we pulled up.

Point being, even if someone went through your computer history and saw that you were on something questionable for a couple of seconds, no one is likely to make a big deal about it - now, if you tarried on the image or the site for a half hour or so - that might be cause for a little suspicion. But as it is, you haven't done anything wrong and no one is likely to think that you have.

Hazel B
10-02-11, 17:49
Daisy, I'm sure the there's nothing to worry about, just be careful what you click and link to in future. It's a really sad reflection of society that we worry like this, I even fret about having pictures of my nephews on the beach on holiday! It's totally innocent and they live in a hot country, but I worry as the media is full of all the stuff about children being under threat.

We're good and moral people, so try not to worry.