View Full Version : Help dark line on fingernails

10-02-11, 16:33
I have two fingernails that have a little dark line on them. Thinking it was really nothing i looked it up ( its called a splinter hemorrhage) and found out that it is caused by either trauma to the nail ( which i dont remember and I have it on 2 nails) or it could mean i have endocarditis an infection of the heart:scared15:. I am wondering if you guys have ever heard of this or have this on your nails or if i should go to the doctor. I dont know if i am overreacting. thanks.

10-02-11, 17:05
I looked up endocarditis and I would think you would have to have more than just the fingernail splinter for it to be the heart.

Here were all the other symptoms so if you don't have most of them I really wouldn't worry to be honest.


Abnormal urine color
Chills (common)
Excessive sweating (common)
Fever (common)
Joint pain
Muscle aches and pains
Night sweats
Nail abnormalities (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0003731) (splinter hemorrhages (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0003767) under the nails)
Red, painless skin spots on the palms and soles (Janeway lesions)
Red, painful nodes in the pads of the fingers and toes (Osler's nodes)
Shortness of breath (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0003566) with activity
Swelling of feet, legs, abdomen
Weight loss

10-02-11, 17:07
Jonah -- relax. If you had endocarditis of the heart you would KNOW it, you would be very sick -- your fingernails would only be a secondary symptom to that, and it's only in two. How do your toenails look? I bet the color is normal. That means your heart is doing it's job and your body is getting enough circulation and oxygen. Sometimes we do hit ourselves without realizing it. How many bruises I have gotten and been like, "Where did that come from?" That is always a possibility. If it concerns you that much, see your doctor and let him/her reassure you, but I really think you are fine. NEVER EVER google your symptoms!! EVER!!! The last time I did that I ended up in the ER and the nurse there even told me that. The internet didn't study for years about conditions and would know what to look for. It only gives you generalizations and those are usually the worst case scenario -- we health anxiety sufferers can't get past that part to read the simple things it could be, or if we do, we still believe the worst. It's awful. I am sure your two fingernails will heal before you know it. Hang in there. Hugs, Wiskers ~

10-02-11, 17:15
thanks for your replies. I have some of those symptoms listed above but i dont know if thats just the anxiety. the dark lines are short and only on 2 nails on the left hand, the thumb and pinky. They have been a little source of curiousity and worry so i was hoping( like always) to find reassurance that it was nothing. but if it is something, I want to know so I can do something about it. I dont get much excersize, I take a 10 min walk a day aside from everyday moving around (and sometimes find myself a little short of breath), I am not that overweight but I worry about my heart. I dont want to go to the dr ( i have ha and agoraphobia) so i seek out reassurances as I can. :(

10-02-11, 17:25
Jonah, I, too, suffer from HA and agoraphobia. I am like you, I know I want to go to the doctor for reassurance on things, but I am afraid to go because of the panic attacks I get when I leave the house. It is something I am working on, but it's hard. I don't exercise, I am too afraid. I need to, but the times I have I have hyperventilated and felt really light headed. I used to be in good condition -- not great, but good and I just have been so inactive since all this started for me. Anxiety just gets the best of us and destroys it. It affects everything we do. If we worry about exercising, when we do we will feel miserable; if we worry about our hearts (this is where my HA is, too) then we will get more palpitations, flutters, ecoptics, missed beats, and whatever else our hearts decide to do. If we worry about a brain tumors, we will get the headache and wonder what that strange sensation in the head really meant. It is a never ending cycle. Might I suggest the books THE WORRY CURE and IT'S NOT ALL IN YOUR HEAD. Gives you some things to think about and both are very reassuring. And, please, if you ever feel you are in trouble, DO see your doctor, even if someone needs to take you. A few moments of discomfort is well worth the reassurance, or help so you can get better. Hugs, Wiskers ~
P.S And just remember -- the way you feel right now is based on how you are thinking. Your thoughts, though, have no validity or reality to the situation. They are deceiving you. ;)

10-02-11, 17:25
I have 8 of the symptoms as well lol.

Maybe it was a bad idea posting that list.

Anyway wisker's post was spot on I think

10-02-11, 17:40
thank you both for your kind words. I always have this feeling like something is wrong, and I think that is what makes me seek out something that is most likely not there. My problem is i didnt use google (evil dr google) I looked up splinter hemorrhage on youtube and got this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6bJszWGfDo. this really got to me and sent me in a state. leading me back to dr google and wondering if I have to go see a dr about it or if i am overreacting. ha/agoraphobia= :(

10-02-11, 17:56
i never google anymore about health related problems,,as ive had just about everything,,including the plague rofl,,,make yourself a cuppa have a choccy biccy and relax