View Full Version : Please i really need your advice...does anyone else have this bizarre symptom?

10-02-11, 17:08
hello my fellow nmp buddies! i would really appreciate your thoughts on one particular symptom that has been ruining my life since late 2004. for years now i have been constantly aware of the fact i've been breathing all my life! weird aint it? well to me, what should be totally automatic now mostly feels like its now something i have to 'remember' to do. This only came about when one year my meds stopped working due to a virus and the doctor i was under chopped and changed my meds and it got to the stage where i no longer felt my breathing was automatic....it is virtually impossible to describe because i often feel like im going to have some kind of seizure if i dont and this is terrifying....i can no longer go outside of my home town on day trips and part of me recons that deep in my brain that something has gone wrong....i used to think masturbating had burst tiny blood vessels in an important part of my brain, hence this bizarre feeling which makes me feel like i could just stop breathing anytime and going up town can be a struggle...im aware of everyone else not even thinking of their breathing and i just dont know if after 7 years that this will ever be fixed.....your thoughts will be greatly appreciated and BTW have been on sertraline 50mg for 4years or so...the first 2 were great and i did have more freedom but the last 2 has been so frustrating


10-02-11, 17:15

Breathing is a completely automated bodily function so you can't stop it happening and you can't make it happen more if that makes sense lol.

I think you would benefit from some hypnotherapy maybe for this - have you considered that?

10-02-11, 17:23
oh yes! was getting some free for a while....and would like it again...also trying to remedy my diet too....when i had an attack pre 2004 i was ok after but since my ex doc took me off paroxetine after having added olanazpine....then messed me around with effexor...then high dose diazepam and zispin....im not surprised my brain is messed up....i do worry about strokes too esp when i appear to have 'suddenly' lost my memory, but this seizure come i have to remember to breath 'thing' has been with me for so long ive almost lost hope of it ever leaving me :weep::scared15: