View Full Version : Fears of dementia :(

10-02-11, 18:34
Hi everyone,

Am new here so hello to all. So my back story is that I suffered for 7 years with HA. I went through lots of episodes - breast cancer, HIV, oral cancer, throat cancer, MND/ALS but after seeking the help of counselling 3 years ago I began to improve - after 2 years I felt like my anxiety had gone so stopped my sessions. Sadly one year later here I am again :(

So I have been worried by a few things over the last 2 months which have been building up - firstly I had the palpitations thing and shortness of breath. I saw a doctor and luckily that went away. Then I started suffering from breast tenderness but I have now linked this to my period.

But then about 5 days ago I was rushing out of the house with my daughter as we were late for a birthday party. I opened the car door and let her in and then got in the drivers seat. I then said to her "Make sure you put on your seatbelt" and she said "but mummy you already did". For the life of me I couldn't remember doing it. Then yesterday I was at work and doing some bank transfers when I thought to myself I don't remember putting the password in - obviously I did.

Since then I have been panicking big time. I am trying to keep track of everything single thing I do and if I don't remember a few seconds I start freaking out. Like getting home this evening and talking to my kids in the kitchen and then thinking "I don't remember putting the key in the front door or the few steps from the car to the front door".

I am aware I did these things but cannot see it happening in my mind.

But this afternoon I did a memory test where you look at sequences of letters for 10 seconds then they disappear you write them down. Some sequences were up to 12 letters but I got 95% correct.

I have made another appt with my counsellor but am I going mad? I am only 32. There is a history of dementia in my family but only past the age of about 85 (my grandad is 99 and only just started to develop symptoms).

I can't stop thinking about every little thing I do. It is quite frightening :(

10-02-11, 19:01

I think when you are a busy working mum, housewife etc you have so many things going on in your head at once it's normal to forget somethings. I personally do it all the time, i often ask a question more than once, try not to worry i don't think its dementia.

03-04-11, 23:28
nikkib, I am going through exactly the same thing at the moment. I'm 31 and constantly checking myself with these "tests". I know how frightened you are as I am too. People keep telling me not to be so silly but sometimes the fear is overwhelming isn't it. You are not alone :hugs: