View Full Version : Taking medication morning or night?

10-02-11, 20:15
Hi all,
I've suffered from anxiety for 9 years on and off. Ive just started back on Zoloft (25mg) and it seems this time round the side effects seem worse, the fuzzy head, dry mouth etc...
I asked the pharmacist if taking my medication in the evening would be better as I would be sleeping through most of the side effects, but she said that some people have trouble sleeping if they take it in the evening!
I would like to hear from anyone who takes their medication in the evening or tried to, and if it lessened their side effects the next day.

14-02-11, 17:41
I don't know about "sleeping through the side effects" honestly. The drug is designed to build up in your blood to the point where you are saturated 24/7, no? It takes more than 24hrs for it to leave your body, and dosage is to be taken every 24hrs.

So, I wouldn't say you could technically sleep through entirely. But, if it makes you jittery a few hours after taking, but then the jitters go away, maybe that could be an example of "sleeping through" that would work.

I have not tried to take mine in the evening, so I'm sorry I can't help you there. But, I do sometimes use Clonazepam to help with issues at night (when I can't sleep due to anxiety).

Last time you took meds, did you take them at a different time?

14-02-11, 20:06
No, I have always taken them in the morning, but never really had problems with sleeping before. I'm now on day 9 of taking them, and seem to be sleeping a little better. Anxiety is still there, sometimes worse than others, but getting there slowly. The fuzzy head and headaches are gone, which is great, although I'm going to increase my meds today from 25mg to 50mg, I'm hoping that they don't come back!