View Full Version : Terrified.........Please Help........:-(

10-02-11, 20:24
Hi Guys. Not been here for a while......hope everyone is managing ok with this awful illness.....my health anxiety has hit me like a wall today thanks to a comment someone said.........I have been having back ache all the way down my back it feels muscular it pulls when I twist either side if I put my head down with my chin on my chest it pulls or if I tip my head all the way back I feel it pull the top of my arms ache sometimes too if I am stressed or scared I notice it sometimes all of arms ache even my fingers and sometimes my whole body.......I wake up in the morning and I feel stiff my back aches constantly deep heat helps a bit as does a heat pad it most hurts around my shoulder blades but sometimes its all the way down especially in the mornings I was talking to a friens of my sisters who does massages she offered me one so I told her my problems she sed I should worry because my lungs are where my bra strap is and if I let her massage me she could tell me in minutes if its my muscles or my organs.......I'm scared stiff ;-( what if I have lung problems? I have no trouble breathing I don't get breathless any more than I used to I have had this back pain for months now but she has put the fear of god in me I'm so scared from what I have described does it sound muscular to you guys? I am hoping its my anxiety I don't know what I will do if I am seriously ill :-( thanks guys

10-02-11, 21:19
I have a back problem and also get the type of pain you are having on a regular basis .Its muscular .If it were your lungs you would know it ,you would have pain when breathing ,and it definately wouldnt go when you have applied heat . Have a hot soak and relax ,the massage will do you good .Enjoy ..:DT/c Sue x

10-02-11, 22:23
Do you also suffer with neck tension, I do and went to osteopath and she said often it affects a disc in the middle of your spine and results in radiating pain all round.

I have had pain like this for months, do not panic its not your lungs I promise

10-02-11, 23:03
Hi both thank you so much for your replys....Mary yes I do get neck tension I also get headaches that I feel come up from the back of my neck also my shoulders and I do feel like the pain is all over sometimes I do feel better but since I have been worrying like in the last 3 hours I have developed a dry cough adds even more fear to me that its my lungs :-( I hope I don't slip down the slippery slope again thanks again

11-02-11, 16:37
Hi Guys

Feel a bit better today but my legs ache :-( could this be because i am worrying? my feet feel hot in my shoes if you know what i mean i feel as though i have been standing all day so stressed dont know what to do with myself :weep:

Thanks again guys x