View Full Version : Bursting In To Tears

10-02-11, 20:31
Does anybody else find that they constantly burst in to tears when their anxiety is high. Today has been the worst for me. I almost can't control it. My period is due in about 10 days which I know is why my anxiety is so high at the moment, but when I'm at work, it's so hard.

10-02-11, 20:54
I often wish I could burst into tears cause for some reason I mostly can't! lol But yeah, I definitely know what you mean. :( Maybe you should take the day off if you're feeling really crappy, though I know that's not always a possibility...

10-02-11, 21:03
Oh god yes! At the most embarrassing times too, usually infront of my partners family as I have social phobia. I've literally had a creased face and balled my eyes out infront of them:weep:

Also, in a shopping centre, I was desperate for the loo and went to a train station which is connected by 2 glass tunnels, one leads to outside, the other leads into a massive shopping centre, Well i went down the wrong tunnel by mistake and ended up in the shopping centre. I burst into tears as soon as i realised my mistake.

10-02-11, 21:08
I'm glad I'm not alone. I wish I could take the day off, but I only started this week, and that might look a bit bad. Lol.

11-02-11, 13:46
I used to suffer from the most awful PMS, it ruled my life and I would always get very weepy and anxious about 10 days before my period. I only ever felt 'normal' for 7-10 days out of every month. Going through the menopause has been awful but at least I know I'm rid of the monthly blues. x

11-02-11, 19:14
I'm the same. I only feel 'normal' at the most 2 weeks out of the month. It can be a pain in the bum. This week back to work has been really hard for me, and I'm only working part time. The thing is once I get to work I'm fine, but it's the morning's and evening's when I feel the worst.

11-02-11, 20:27
It's strange, someone called 'Oscar' talking about period problems! x

11-02-11, 20:36
I find when my anxiety is high, I always burst into tears, and for some strange reason, I feel a little better afterwards!

11-02-11, 21:50
It's strange, someone called 'Oscar' talking about period problems! x

Haha. I am female. My cat is called Oscar. Lol.

11-02-11, 22:26
Hi Oscar I'm glad you are female. Are you the same Oscar that likes classical music. It is perfectly normal to cry. We females do seem to cry a lot. It depends what the tears are about: tears of frustration or release? I used to suffer from severe depression and my mood would switch very quickly from tears to laughter labile I think it is called?. Sometimes I didn't know what I was crying about. All I remember was this great pit or sadness which did not take a lot to tap. It was like a physical ache inside. I hope that you don't feel like this. Keep playing the classical music.EJ.

11-02-11, 23:37
I am the same Oscar that likes Classical music. I do sometimes just feel like crying, and most of the time I can never tell why. It's especially bad when I'm at work. I've just started a new job and am feeling very anxious most day's. It's very hard.