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View Full Version : hello, i think i have health anxiety

10-02-11, 21:21
hey there I'm Chris, i'm 24 and i'm new here. I've been suffereing with alot of symptoms and worrys about my health. I'm still not totally convinced what i have is anxiety but everyone seems to think so, so anyway here is my story, please let me know your thoughts.

Over the past 6 years ive had these symptoms Tiredness, aching in my chest, fast heartbeat (http://www.medhelp.org/medical-information/show/352/Ultrasound--normal-fetus---heartbeat) , palpitations, sometimes trouble sleeping, veins swelling (http://www.medhelp.org/tags/show/13208/Swelling) and bulging in my lower arms and legs( which is most the time) ,cold hands (http://www.medhelp.org/tags/show/15811/Hand-tremor) and feet , heat intolerence. I noticed, my nails sometimes go purple, achy legs, chest pains, dizziness, visual disturbances such as pulsing in outer sides of my vision and occasionally a flicker when i go from being in the light and going straight into the dark.

Quite a while ago i decided to go to my GP because i coughed up blood in my phlem, They referred me to hospital for tests, I had a x-ray and CT scan of my chest which came back clear and they said it was likely due to chest infection which i was given antibiotics for. I also had multiple blood tests, and blood pressure test which also came back fine aswell as multiple ECG since then. which they said was fine apart from noticing that i have a fast heart beat they couldnt find any other problems.

Since then i have been experiencing more symptoms and the same ones but worsened. Ive had tiredness, palpitations(daily), very achey (achy) legs, tingling in my fingers and feet (sometimes only slight) and dizziness, a few panic attacks and some anxiety, racing heart , and so forth. I noticed though that i tend to get palpitations everyday and they occur more so in the evening. sometimes bending down can give me one and i have had them during sex which ussually means i have to stop to calm myself down.

I ve been to see my GP for another blood test and blood pressure test which came back clear it also tested my thyroid levels which were fine infact the only thing they found was a deffciency in vitamin D, which they prescribed vitamins for me. I have also been into hospital again since for the day because i felt really bad and started to panic which made it worse and which they gave me another blood test which was fine aswell as a ECG.

A few months after i made an appointment to have a ultrasound done of my heart (echo cardiogram) results from that came back normal.
They cant seem to find whats wrong with me they just say its anxiety and pscyological but im not convinced.
I would also like to add that im not on any other drugs of any kind and i rarely drink and i dont smoke. I take my inhalers for my asthma Clenil modulite (brown) 2 puffs twice a day and ventolin (blue) only if i get out of breath.

I had pestered my gp enough that she has given me beta blockers to help with the palps and racing heart. I am on 1.25 mg of bisprolol which i have been taking for a month, after a month i went back to see her told her that its helped with the racing heart but im still getting palpitations and all the other symptoms from day to day. I have insisted on going to a palpitation clinic because im very worried. I'm going to get them to give me a holter so i can show them my palps. The only problem is i cant get a appointment untill march. This is really effecting my quality of life i need to find what the problem is so i can deal with it.

Thanks for reading

Vanilla Sky
10-02-11, 22:05
Hi Chris, Just wanted to welcome you to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

10-02-11, 22:08
thank you paige :) x

10-02-11, 22:31
Hi Chris,

I have been to the hospital so many times- it seems every time I get a new symptom. Everything you mentioned sounds like anxiety. My last visit to the emergency room- was for heart palpitations. I had them for like 5 days in a row and it was starting to scare me. I went in- and they gave an EKG and watched my blood pressure.

My EKG was awesome and the nurse was jealous of my blood pressure. So they gave me an atavan and sent me on my way.

Before that it was tingling and numbness in both my arms and legs- fear of a blood clot- nope not a blood clot- I didnt have the right symptoms for that. It wasn't neurological either-blood tests were perfect.

So after many visits- i try self talk now- if my heart starts racing because I walk up stairs- I tell myself- it is my body adjusting to the exercise.

If I get chest pains (which I do daily) though they go away if I don't dwell on them- I tell myself " you are really tense- it's no wonder your chest hurts, your muscles are tensing up like crazy."

The only thing I can say is maybe- your asthma meds could be causing heart palps and racing heart-on top of anxiety- yeah I can see why you would have a racing heart.

If I even look at a soda bottle my heart starts racing. Or looking at people in a coffee shop- oh my goodness-heart palps again.

Anyway, you are not alone- try deep breathing, self talk & if your really scared or need reassurance see a doctor.


11-02-11, 00:19
Hi Chris,

I have been to the hospital so many times- it seems every time I get a new symptom. Everything you mentioned sounds like anxiety. My last visit to the emergency room- was for heart palpitations. I had them for like 5 days in a row and it was starting to scare me. I went in- and they gave an EKG and watched my blood pressure.

My EKG was awesome and the nurse was jealous of my blood pressure. So they gave me an atavan and sent me on my way.

Before that it was tingling and numbness in both my arms and legs- fear of a blood clot- nope not a blood clot- I didnt have the right symptoms for that. It wasn't neurological either-blood tests were perfect.

So after many visits- i try self talk now- if my heart starts racing because I walk up stairs- I tell myself- it is my body adjusting to the exercise.

If I get chest pains (which I do daily) though they go away if I don't dwell on them- I tell myself " you are really tense- it's no wonder your chest hurts, your muscles are tensing up like crazy."

The only thing I can say is maybe- your asthma meds could be causing heart palps and racing heart-on top of anxiety- yeah I can see why you would have a racing heart.

If I even look at a soda bottle my heart starts racing. Or looking at people in a coffee shop- oh my goodness-heart palps again.

Anyway, you are not alone- try deep breathing, self talk & if your really scared or need reassurance see a doctor.


Thank you for your reply, its nice to know iim not the only one.
I still find it hard beleiving its all anxiety though. I mean i get palps everyday, and i get alot of dizzi spells. But in march im seeing a special, i think thatl help put my mind at rest.