View Full Version : Hi :)

Ben Jamin
10-02-11, 22:01
Hi, my name's Ben and I'm 29. I just want to start by saying it's great to have found a forum like this, where I can actually relate to some of the things people are saying. Just thought I'd say hello and ramble a bit about myself, if for no other reason than to actually express it in some constructive way.

I've been suffering from panic attacks for about 3 or 4 years now, although I had had them several times before that without realising what they actually were. These have gradually become more frequent and severe, to the point where even when I'm not having a panic attack, I suffer from anxiety almost constantly. I'm not being melodramatic when I say that this has ruined my life.

My anxiety has made me feel uncomfortable around virtually everyone. I can't generally form any sort of bond with anyone or even have normal conversations with a lot of people as I'm extremely self conscious about what I am saying and how I am acting, and am constantly aware of the fact that panic is growing stronger the longer I am talking to them. So I try and avoid conversations with people I don't know well and if people do talk to me, I generally try and get out of the conversation as soon as possible before I say something really stupid or start acting strangely.

I am terrified going to work every day. I work in an office and as part of my job I often have to have meetings with various people. Generally I manage to keep them as short as possible but sometimes I can't do this, and spend the whole meeting trying not to panic too much for fear that I will pass out if I do.

This seems to be growing worse every day. Don't get me wrong, I have my good days when I feel I have my panic under control, but even my good days can take a sudden turn for the worse at any point. I'm fairly sure that quite a few people around the office have probably started to think I'm a bit weird, due to the fact when they try and talk to me I can't get my words out properly or blurt out something stupid because I panic and can't think of anything to say.

I feel like panic has stripped me of my masculinity and made me feel generally pathetic. I have still somehow managed to maintain a social life through all this, but don't feel like I can talk about it to anyone. On the odd occasion I have tried, I have just skirted around the topic to test the water, and have ended up feeling even worse for it when I realise that they can't relate to what I'm saying. I sort of feel like it's a bit of a dirty secret, and although my friends have probably seen me act a bit weird on certain occasions, I have somehow managed to keep the true extent of it well hidden from them, although I'm not sure how much longer I can keep up the act.

I have been to see a doctor who has referred me to a centre which deals with anxiety problems. I went to an appointment yesterday for an assessment, with a friendly nurse who seemed fairly sure they would be able to help me, and had put me on the waiting list for CBT treatment from a psychologist. To be honest though, deep down I don't feel like it's going to help. I prefer to keep an open mind about these things, but I've read several books on panic and anxiety as well as a lot on the internet, and as enlightening as it's been, none of it has really helped me in the long run. I feel like a bit of a lost cause - like I'm on a downwards spiral that's never going to get better, only worse. This has literally taken over my whole life, I can't go out shopping, couldn't even imagine going on a date anymore, and can only go out at weekends if I have enough alcohol to stop me feeling so self conscious. My working life is like a living nightmare.

Sorry about the massive rant, but I do actually feel better immediately for having put my thoughts into words. I spend so much time with all of this buzzing around my head, trying to hide it from people that it's a nice release to actually make some verbal sense of it. Sorry if I'm sounding really negative as well, it just happens to be the way I'm feeling at the moment.

Feel free to comment, would more than welcome any advice; thanks for reading :)


10-02-11, 22:02
Hi Ben Jamin

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Vanilla Sky
10-02-11, 22:03
Hi Ben and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

Ben Jamin
10-02-11, 22:18
Thanks :)

10-02-11, 22:35
Hey Ben & welcome.
I too,suffer from panic attacks & anxiety.
It pretty much controls my life at the moment.
I was on two different medications,..came off them due
to one of them doing feck all & the other actually making
me worse!
But yes,I can relate to what you say :-)
I avoid allsorts of sitauions bkoz of my anxiety & panic, I miss
out on alot & cancel or miss alot of appointments.
I cant go on public transport often so I spend a fortune on
Its tough & I dont know how to advice you on feeling better
about it bkoz as I say Im not coping too well with mine,but dont
feel alone,..or pathetic or embarrssed or anything.
Let it all out & people here will understand & give you a shoulder.
:D :hugs::yesyes:

Ben Jamin
10-02-11, 22:50
Thanks Scotty, it means a lot just to hear from other people who can relate to what I'm saying to be honest. I'm trying to avoid medication as much as possible - although the last time I went to the doctor she did prescribe me some 2mg diazepam. I've had the odd one when I really need it, as much for the placebo effect as anything, but generally am trying to steer clear of taking anything that's probably just going to confuse my brain even further in the long run.

What you say about cancelling appointments and avoiding public transport I can relate to exactly. It's good to know there are other people who genuinely understand, it somehow does actually make me feel less alone, thanks :O)

10-02-11, 23:09
I try to avoid medication too.Im going to research the natural homeopathic route.
And Ive gave up on therapies as eventually they always start suggesting medication.
Do your family & friends understand & support you at all? Koz that will help.
I dont have many people who do understand,thats why it was like a God send when I found this site a few nights ago just after having a panic attack.
Im the same with getting my words wrong & muddled.
This is due to my anxiety.
I have a hard time making important calls or even asking a shop owner something koz my words are just gobbledeegook!:wacko:

I hope you will meet others on here to share your experiences & feel free to msg me anytime.


10-02-11, 23:16
Hi Ben,
I'll keep this post short....I can relate to a lot of what you say.
Please don't decide that CBT won't help before u've tried. Reading it in a book is not the same. It's really important to do the homework etc. You currently have a very negative thought pattern (which is understandable).....but thats what CBT will change. It will challenge your negative thought patterns and help you see the link between this and your behaviour.
It's a long road, but you can get there, Good Luck,

Ben Jamin
10-02-11, 23:41
I've spoken to my parents about it a bit, but always play things down a lot as I don't want them to worry too much. My mum suffers from depression and I know it wouldn't help her to know how severe my panic's become. Again, I've touched upon the subject with my brother, but it just ends up making me feel worse as he's very confident and outgoing so can't really understand. I don't feel like it can talk to my friends about it at all either, so just end up keeping it all bottled up, which I'm sure only serves to fuel my panic further.

Like you say though, this site is a God send - it's actually lifted a bit of weight off my shoulders just coming on here and talking about it. I've had a particularly bad day today which is what caused me to look for a site like this. I felt like I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown by the time I finished work!

Nowadays, if I have to queue in a shop for longer than 20 seconds or so, I feel like my legs are going to give way or I'll maybe even pass out or something. It's so quick to come on and so overwhelming that by the time I make it out of the shop I'm visibly shaking and my heart's racing. In fact, sometimes I go to the cash machine before I go to a shop just so I don't have to pay by card, so I don't have to stand at the counter as long!

What an absurd situation to be in :wacko:

Ben Jamin
10-02-11, 23:43
Thanks Midgey, definitely up for giving CBT a go, am trying to keep as much of an open mind about it as possible. I know I said that deep down I don't think it will work, but am still hoping I'll be pleasantly surprised. It just feels at the minute like there's nothing that could possibly work, although I know that logically this probably isn't true.

11-02-11, 09:31
Hi Ben. Welcome to NMP. I too am awaiting CBT I am hoping that it is going to help.