View Full Version : Greetings And Salutationshe

11-02-11, 03:25
Hello all... :)

My name is Tom and I have had panic disorder since about 2001 or so and have also developed phobias.

My formative years were not the best but I go on and try to maintain my life best as I can.

I also have phobias with storms, driving and I guess having mice in my house as that is what brought me here. I also posted to an existing thread on the mouse issue in the phobia area if anyone has any much needed advice or a comment.

I also do some freelance writing on subjects like Doctor Who and other cult media.

Glad to find a forum like this that appears to be very active after belonging to ones that seemedto have very few active posters.

Edit: Sorry about the spelling errors, hard to post in forums from my phone at times..can a kind mod fix the title if they would be so kind? :)

Anyway, thanks for having me and thanks for being here....

11-02-11, 03:52
Hi tomspy77

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

11-02-11, 05:20
Thanks for the warm welcome Nicola. :)

11-02-11, 09:25
Welcome to NMP

11-02-11, 14:37
Thanks Buster! :)

11-02-11, 14:39
Cult media, that's ace. I also write but nothing quite so fun as that.

Welcome to the forums :)