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11-02-11, 06:09
I'm jodie. I'm 19 years old. Been suffering with panic attacks and severe anxiety now since i was about ten. Dont really know what to do about it all. Im really worried :/

11-02-11, 06:11
Hi jojofaye

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

11-02-11, 06:20
Greetings Jodie!

I'm a new boy here myself, but welcome!

It can be tough but you can fight it.

Have to admit to being amazed that you have had anxiety since age ten...I'm sorry, that must have been very rough:

But we will go on... :)

11-02-11, 11:19
Yes its pretty crazy! I'm quite amazed that i've managed to hide it from everyone too! Its mainly night times when things start to kick off. I can never sleep. Also when im in crowded places i feel like i'm suffocating and being crushed. I think it all started when i was around ten years old i was being crushed in a crowd and i got so hot i passed out. Other things have happened too along the years which has helped to make things worse! I'm so glad i've found this place.
I thought i was the only person who felt things like this. I must admit i felt a bit of a freak!