View Full Version : At a loss - any suggestions

11-02-11, 10:38
So since just before Christmas I have been suffering with a pain in my chest/ upper abdomen.

It feels a lot like an expanding gas like feeling/ indigestion squeezing like pain and it is present when I have some reflux/gurgling/wind in my oesophagus.

The pain goes right underneath my breasts about the same height as where the separation in your ribs start in the middle if that makes sense.

Every dr I've seen has said it can't be indigestion/digestion problems etc.

I'm in some pain some days. Some days it's just uncomfortable.

Some days it's just on the left, other days it comes on both sides and spread up into my armpits.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Or has anyone had anything similar? I'm really desperate. All the Dr seems to want to do is treat the pain rather than find out what is causing it. And if I knew what it was I might be able to relax about it a bit more IYKWIM.

I am worried most about it being a problem with my liver or pancreas etc. Obviously stomach cancer and also with my cardiophobia that preys on my mind as well.

11-02-11, 14:31
ive got pain like you describe under my left ribs and down round my ovary area and can sometimes travel to my armpit too my gp says it my ibs wind i have it to some degree every day x

11-02-11, 14:37
I get this everytime I have indigestion/reflux or if I haven't eaten for a while. If I've missed a meal it can have me doubled over because the pain spread right across my whole body and my back and it really, really, really hurts!

I'd always assumed it was acid, to be honest. I've had a scope in my stomach and there was nothing there, plus I've had this for about a decade and I'm totally fine, so I'm sure you are too :)

11-02-11, 14:57
Thanks guys. The first episode was just before Xmas and it lasted about a week. Since I've found out I'm pregnant and I've been more constipated and bloated it's been happening daily. It's sometimes like a gripping pain and can be very uncomfortable and make me feel sick. But because I'm describing it on my sides and so high up I'm being told every time it's nothing to do with digestion. Its so frustrating.

11-02-11, 16:59
First of all, congratulations on the pregnancy :D
Your pain sounds a lot like what I get, really high up under my ribs, my GP says it's IBS. I read something on here somewhere that said you can get IBS pain under your armpits!

K xx

12-02-11, 08:23
Yes I commented on that post with the link. It gave me comfort until three dr told me it wasn't possible to have digestive pain so high up.

Today I have a cramping squeezing under where my bra band sits on the front, under both my boobs. Does this sound like indigestion etc too?