View Full Version : Help! Been referred to the Breast clinic

11-02-11, 11:31
I don't know if I'm worrying about this too much or not but I went to the doctors a couple of weeks ago with a lump I found a year ago (finally plucked up the courage to go to the doctors). It seems to come and go with my period and I don't think it's changed shape or size and my doctor said it's probably nothing serious because of this but he's still referred me to the specialist. I'm really scared it's going to be Breast Cancer. I'm only 18 years old and the only person that's had it in my family was my grandmother when she was well over 60 years old.

I need reassurance or something because I finding it difficult to think of anything else, and it doesn't help that I'm living at university away from my mum and dad.

11-02-11, 11:38
First of all Don't Panic!!! Easier said than done I know.

I recently went to the breast clinic with a sizeable lump I had had a couple of months. Like yours mine went up and down with my periods (this is a very good sign) and it turned out just to be some fibrous tissue, totally benign.

Can you move it about under the skin? If so it's most likely to be fibrocystic , a 'breast mouse' they are called, and totally fine.

The Dr might just give you an ultrasound over the area. Or they might do a biopsy (I had one, they take a bit of the lump and it leaves a small scar) just to take a bit of fluid out of it to be sure it's ok.

The majority of lumps are totally normal, but Drs have to be very careful with breast lumps. We automatically get referred to our breast clinic with any lump, just to check.

I hope that has made you feel better.

11-02-11, 11:42
I can move it a little. I want to tell my mum but I'm scared because she worries easily and has depression. I hear 80% of breast lumps are benign but this doesn't seem to reassure me.

11-02-11, 12:07
I really think you have nothing to worry about. If you can move it at all, again that's a really good sign. I know it's easier said than done. When you go to the clinic make sure they know you're concerned about it and they'll do their best to make you feel at ease.

11-02-11, 15:40
Aww do try not to worry, even though that is an impossible task at the moment, I had a lump this time last year and it was a cyst which was just a fluid filled sack and they removed it by drawing out the fluid which does not hurt a bit.

You will be fine but it is good that you have had it checked out. Let us know how you get on.


11-02-11, 16:25

I was referred last year for a breast ultrasound. They are very hot on breast cancer in this country and any woman who goes to the doctor with a lump that can be felt by the doctor will be referred and usually seen within 2 weeks. You are right that the majority are benign. Your doctor thinks it is benign too but that have to send you as it is their policy. You shouldn't have to wait long and it will put your mind at rest.

Take care

11-02-11, 17:08
I had a breast ultrasound last October because of a lump that came and went with periods and also I had some discharge from same breast. It all turned out fine, the lump was just fibrous tissue and the discharge apparently is quite common. You'll be fine hun, as everyone has said, they tend to be very cautious with breast lumps and rightly so - better safe than sorry.

K xx

11-02-11, 20:58
Hi - I've just had a breast ultrasound as I have a lump under my armpit and lumpy feeling breasts. The lump is a normal lymph node and the breast lumpiness is fibrous tissue. I think you'll be fine. It is very rare for an 18 year old to have breast cancer and much more likely to be hormonal or a cyst.
