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View Full Version : pain in trachea

11-02-11, 11:57
I have a really sore trachea from just below my chin to about half way down my neck. It is really tender to touch and when I put my chin to my chest it really hurts. Now I have had a cold but don't have a sore throat and I can't really feel any glands up so just wondering if anyone has any idea what might be causing this or has had it before (I have had it before and it has got better but I can't help but worry a bit)

11-02-11, 14:34
my niece suffers with this her gp told her it was tension in her throat caused by anxiety x

22-03-15, 14:47
I know this is an older post but I thought I'd post a response in case any other users stumble upon this post as I did and are looking for an answer.

Please don't worry! I've had this symptom several times. It comes and goes; May last a day or two then disappear for weeks or months at a time. It is more than anything due to post nasal drip which can be present with or without a sore throat. It can be caused by a cold, allergies, or even an irritant such as dry air, smoke, etc.

This type of pain is typically muscular in type. If it's not caused by post nasal drip it can also be caused by an injury or strain - you could've just slept on your neck the wrong way. Also, less common but very normal is acid reflux. Believe it or not, acid can cause the trachea to be tender to touch or sore.

To relieve pain take some NSAIDs...Advil or Tylenol work best for me. If you had/have a cold, a nasal decongestant with Advil or Tylenol will help a lot. If you think it's caused by acid reflux, try some antacids. If it's recurring, consider trying an OTC drug like Prilosec or Zantac for a few weeks. Hope this helped!