View Full Version : head worries

11-02-11, 14:18
Hi, I was on a a busy bus today and managed to bang the side of my head and im really angry with my self and upset. I accidently got hit on the top of the head with a book yesterday and hit it lightly a couple of times last week.

11-02-11, 14:42
still getting feelings in ear and very occasional pain in nose which scares me to

11-02-11, 18:19
Used to have bad sinus issues migranies and extreme dizziness so went to docs n he checked me and said he could see something in one ear. This was six weeks ago now worried as I get ear feelings pressure around nose pain around ears pressure in nose and headaches and Head feelings. I have a weird feeling on the top of my head over to the left and it's kinda just spread throughout my whole head. Worried about ear infection

11-02-11, 18:47
The really bad pain has just come back on my face- the corner of eye on face. it's so painful( unlike any pain I've felt encore becuae it feels different

11-02-11, 19:15
When is your appointment?

11-02-11, 19:16
For counselling or docs? Not got one for docs. Counessling another two weeks

11-02-11, 19:30
Round back of head feels funny and hurts now. Major aching shoulder
muscles aswell and just got the pain in my ankle again when I didn't even move it. Injust want to cry. I can't even see my self making tommorow :(

11-02-11, 19:32
Also just looked at my ankles and you can't even see them there so tiny and my two big toe and one next to it r hurting now to and there spread really far apart. I've had enough n I'm back to the docs on mon. I've decided but I don't even know of I'll make it to then

11-02-11, 19:48
can feel something in other ankle. also just got a feeling in back of head just one spot then after got pressure in n ose aldso got achy arms and wrists andarea were thumb is which was aching yesgterday

11-02-11, 19:54
all the ear and head and npse feelings happen at same time

11-02-11, 21:53
go hospital and tell them all this?

11-02-11, 22:05
Why hospital? GP is better for non-emergencies.

11-02-11, 22:15
dunno ey what do i no

12-02-11, 05:17
NHS Direct should be able to help with some advice about what you should do. IMO I think its worth calling the GP and asking them if there is anything they could do to bump up the appointment with your counselor.

macc noodle
12-02-11, 09:11
Emma you really do need to try and engage your parents in this problem you have - you quite clearly need some good support and you do need to go back to GP, or counsellor direct if you have contact details, and ask if they can see you more urgently.

If you were my daughter I would really want to help.


13-02-11, 10:40
Thanks. Going to speak to nan today when I see her later and possibly see gp this week. Only thing I'm worried about is I had my six year old cousin stay with me last night and he caused me to smack the top of my head on a metal bar and now I just feel really funny: I had already hit the same place by accident last week.

13-02-11, 11:07
Hi Emma

Well done for speaking to your Nan about your problems-that is totally a step in the right direction.

Good Luck

Kelly xxx

macc noodle
13-02-11, 11:22
Well done Emma - I am sure that your nan will listen and help you as best she can.

Maybe she can help get your parents involved too if that is what you want.

Have a good day hun :D


13-02-11, 14:19
Thank you. I havnt hit my head that hard for months and it was on metal. I feel weird and just generally out of it and exhausted. Headache aswell. I'm desperate to go up and a and e but I can't

13-02-11, 14:35
Got really bad painful pins and needles In one foot now

13-02-11, 14:36
Also been freezing for hours when I'm normally baking hot

13-02-11, 14:41
In the last year I've hit it 4 times. I has a giant stone and got consussion I hit it in a car and got whiplash I also hit iT against an iron lampost and the back of bus shelter now this. Surely my head can only take so much before it bleeds. I'm going to the docs tomoz in the hope of getting an app. But I'm nearly in tears thinking I want even make it to tommorow

13-02-11, 15:27
I'm desperate to go to hospital but have no way of getting there and I'd have to tell my parents who would then get angry at mE

13-02-11, 16:08
Need advice. Eyes are all stingy now. And pain bye eye again. Still got pressure in nose and around nose and pain around ears and feeling in ears. So scared bout my sinuses got weird feelings in forehead to

13-02-11, 16:11
Also just had a weird feeling in right ear. Felt like a ringing for a few seconds ( like a constant sound but there was no sound) and now pain in left ear. :'(

13-02-11, 16:13
Also just had a weird feeling in right ear. Felt like a ringing for a few seconds ( like a constant sound but there was no sound) and now pain in left ear. :'(

Phones about to run out of battey And I need advice. Just had a real bad pain at the back of my Head and a headache

13-02-11, 16:26
Not going to look At this thread for 30 Mins. Have terrible pressure by nostrils and a bit of toothachr. Ive damaged mt head so Many times thats y im worried. I need to know I'll be alive to hopefully see the gp tommorow !

13-02-11, 16:47
I just need some words of advice:(

13-02-11, 16:53
I don't even want to get in the car home without knowing if I have hemmorgae

13-02-11, 17:00
do u think if u had a hermerage u would be writing it on here?? u would be having bouts of fits throwing up ect u need to relax and try calm down your making all these symptons just stop calm down go for a walk take a nap!

13-02-11, 17:12
hey emma

try and relax hun, if you read back through the thread you've flitted from one pain to another and back again. Every twitch and niggle is playing on your mind and because they are on your mind you're noticing them.

My CB therapist got me to do this once. Stare at the palm of your hand for a good 30 seconds, you will notice so many things you didn't realise were there, veins, lines wrinkles, i noticed my fingers twitch a little when I extend my hand out... the point is I didn't notice any of this without thinking about it... when we start to think about things we notice them or can even induce certain feelings... but they are anxiety related and can't harm us... always keep that important fact in mind

as mentioned if you can try and do something for a while, even just the dishes, ironing etc can be good distractions

good luck :yesyes:

13-02-11, 18:05
Thanks I'm just scared with the amount of inguries my head has ingured that after this latest smack it will start bleeding at any time. The other thing I'm worried over is my sinus pain has spread to my brain or is a baxteriel infection as I have never had toothache before from it. Also the sinus pain is real as got diagonised by doc 6 weeks ago. Another thing is i just got the deaf feeljg again in the other this time and two twitches in my forehead. I made the car journey home. I want to go for a bath but I don't want to be alone. Got feelings on other side of head which is scaring me. And a feeling in forehead

13-02-11, 18:46
Hun the thing with hitting your head is you have to really whack it hard - my sister fell off the top bunk bed when she was a toddler and landed on her's, GP was called out and gave her the all clear - she was absolutely fine. You'd need a really hard bang, probably enough to leave a lump, to cause any damage at all...

What did your nan say about all this worrying, did she help at all? Make an appt to see your GP or phone your counsellor - you're clearly very worried and the advice we give you doesn't seem to help?

What are you doing at college (I remember you saying you were at college?), do you enjoy it? :)

Linda x

13-02-11, 19:52
Thanks I still have a lump from the time a stone got throw at it but have been reassured that's fine. My nan was wonderful actually. She listened.she knows quite a lot as she worked at the hospital for thirty years She suggested i speak to my gp about cbt? Never quite been sure what that is. I love college as my friends are there and I'm surrounded by distractions. I dread going home after. Also earlier got a pain underneath one nail and tip of finger so I looked there and I could see a splinter type thing there so I scratched it and it went but I still have the pain and it feels likes somethibg stuck . I really don't want to be waking up every hour checking if my finger is yellow or blue lol

13-02-11, 19:54
Worked out I can see gp on Tuesday but incredibly worked about finger and sinuses/ it feels like ove pushed the wood further in

macc noodle
13-02-11, 20:00
CBT is the way to go Emma - cognitive behavourial therapy - it will help you with strategies to stop this constant checking and worrying - trust me hun, it works if you give it your best shot!

Get the splinter bathed in warm water and it should come to the surface.

Keep steam inhaling girl - loads of my friends who had this horrible flu bug thing at Christmas are still complaining of sinus issues - looks like you are not alone.


13-02-11, 20:44
Thanks will be looking into cbt. Had warm bath no splinter came to the surface and now I can't sleep because the tip of finger hurts when I press agiabt it

13-02-11, 20:55
Glad you can see doc on Tuesday - and glad that your Nan helped... As for splinters, ask mum or dad and they might get it out with a sterilised needle? Or try it yourself if you've brave enough!! Trust me though they almost make their way to the surface of the skin by themself so should be no problems.

13-02-11, 21:01
Thanks. Do you think I have one or did I scratch it off? Or have I pushed it deeper Down... I has a bath and nothing has shown so I'm not sure what to do :(

13-02-11, 21:10
Probably scratched it off to be honest; it'd be quite hard to push them tht far down

14-02-11, 10:30
CBT is the way to go Emma - cognitive behavourial therapy - it will help you with strategies to stop this constant checking and worrying - trust me hun, it works if you give it your best shot!

Get the splinter bathed in warm water and it should come to the surface.

Keep steam inhaling girl - loads of my friends who had this horrible flu bug thing at Christmas are still complaining of sinus issues - looks like you are not alone.


listen to macc emma, this is certainly the "treatment" for you, the dwelling and worrying appears to now be habitual for you. Through CBT you'll learn to not only rationalise your thoughts but also change your thinking process in order to see your problems for what they are.

We all get niggles and pains everyday, my back and muscles are aching at the moment... In the past I would have worried, am I getting flu, do I have and infection etc etc, but I know I haven't slept much over the weekend and just feel a bit run down, its annoying but nothing to panic over

seriously discuss CBT with your GP :)

14-02-11, 19:17
Hi. Thanks, really not been a good day and got major headache at moment and feel like vomiting. I was ok till I came home and my parents started shouting at me and I ended up in tears. Theyve used bleach to clesn th bathrom and now Im scared to have a shower tonight. I found the splinter in my finger and got someone to try and take it out but it won't budge. I got the tip out but that went under another finger nail so now I'm scared. Also scared my heads bleeding from all the bangs it's had in such a short amount of time. I had concussion once. Also ate to much today and have pains in chest. Eyes also felt fuzzy today but I was at school and not worrying and got a few sharp pains were I knocked it. Really worried about splinter as I think the one under my nail has gone right in as the pain in finger is somewere else to were I can see another splinter:@(

14-02-11, 19:37
You are fine Emma - it's anxiety - even if you aren't worrying, your body is so tired from all the worrying and checking you do when you get home - and the minute you start to try and believe it, you'll feel so much better. Try reading the anxiety info pages on the left - and yes, push for CBT. PM any time x

14-02-11, 20:22
Thanks can hopefully see gp tomoz. Weird pains in head. Also will the splinter be ok till tommorow. Will be asking about cbt tommorow

14-02-11, 21:24
Hi off to docs tommorow but having issues tonight . Been sufferig with what i hope is sinus issues, ever since cold at xmas but never had toothache with it before so worried it's spread

14-02-11, 21:30
Hi off to docs tommorow but having issues tonight . Been sufferig with what i hope is sinus issues, ever since cold at xmas but never had toothache with it before so worried it's spread

hope the doc can help you out emma

toothache and sinus pain will be seperate hun, deep set toothache can be horrible but it wont do any serious damage to you

14-02-11, 21:38
Thanks still scared about splinter to it hurts to press aginst the tip of finger

14-02-11, 21:56
hi i just seen the post don't no if i can help but will try.

I'm exactly like you and currentw on cbt. i monitor my body and feel everything and by god it a right royal pain in the bum lol. try o distract your self.

i used to be so sacred of banging my head still do. but i can assure you you haven't banged it hard enough. i once had a iron fall from a top curabpd on to my head and got it banged in a car door ll with in days of each other still here 7 years on. i have two children and my oldest is foretop whackgmg his head he fell and cut it open when he was two blood every where ended up ringing ambulance cos we panicked. he had a lump under his scar for a long time we had him checked it was nothing to worry about. x
your head is tougher than what you think.
your finger nail will be fine. try not to mess with it cos if you leave it for a day if there is a splinter in their then it will work its way out. if not what's the worse that could happen? a tiny infection x the more you mess the more you will think about i and vice versus. i no it is easier said than done chick c

14-02-11, 21:59
cos I'm in a similar boat. when I'm anxious i feel the weirdpt things my friend laughs at me lol. x you will be fine try to get some rest. I'm always worse if i dnt sleep. my family don get me try to not et it worry you concentrate on your self only you can make your self better when your given the right tools with cbt. x x I'm on cbt too www

15-02-11, 16:20
Thanks I know my fear of a head ingrury is silly lol. Today at college I kept needing having to go to the loo every to hours or so but I wasn't anxious. On way home today was panicking so much that someone on the street asked if I was ok and i look worried. But the thing is I didn't feel the need to use the loo once whilst being anxious and now I'm scared I have kidney issues. Also at the back of my legs I've had pain for years whilst walkig and I'm scared I have something worng because of the pain in my ankles and toes I get. I get the leg pain at the back on my lower leg right near feet. Went to docs and got nasal spray today but I'm scared I overdosed lol. Also mum had a load of bleach everywere In the bathrrom today and I'm scared of that lol. I feel nauseas sick tired and a major headache.

15-02-11, 16:32
Also feel dizzy and faint and like I'm going to puke. Forgot to mention ear thing at docs so she didn't check for bacterieal infection so I'm still worried and worried about hemorsgge even though she explained i was fine

15-02-11, 17:17
Also keep going from hit to cold. I take a layer off and get cd so I put it back on and i. Sweating. This was happenigg last night in bed to. I was cold so input the heater on and now I'm baking

15-02-11, 17:18
Emma can I ask how you keep hitting your head all the time hun?

I agree with a previous poster that it would be have to be some bang on the head for something bad to happen,my daughters dad had an accident at work where 5 big boxes full of tinned food landed on him and knocked him out cold (funny now but not so much then) he was taken to hospital and given a brain scan (only because he was knocked unconscious) to see if there was any bleed or clotting and he was fine. He's a big lad so for him to be knocked out must have been some hit on the head. Try not to worry you would have other symptoms if you had a bleed in your head or anything serious going on. Have you ever thought you could be suffering from tension headaches causing the pain due to Anxiety. I agree with everyone else CBT is the way forward from this but first you have to accept this is all anxiety. Good luck x

15-02-11, 17:28
Thank you. Ouch I'm glad he was ok lol. I don't know how I keep knocking it. I think I need a crash helmet lol.

15-02-11, 17:42
Also jsut wentto the toilet for the eight time today . I don't get any sign that I need the loo just a sudden busrtsibg urge to go. CAn't keep body temtp the same

15-02-11, 17:52
Thanks hun:) aw bless yes maybe a crash helmet may help lol.

Anxiety has you rushing to toilet more to wee lol don't worry about it:)

I'm struggling to keep my temp the same but I have a bad virus at the minute. X

15-02-11, 17:56
Thanks . Maybe I have an infection?:S I'm worried I have a sinus bascteri infection. Been to docs today but may end up back there tommorow. :(

15-02-11, 18:05
What did gp say ? X

15-02-11, 18:12
She was really lovely but I missed some details out like the nausea and ear feelings . she said she thought it was sinus issues and gave me otrvakic ( not sure how it's spelt) to help with it. The temp carrying is driving me mad now and I'm scared it's bexause I hit my head or infection. She also checked the splinter and said if it gets red or swollen come back. I may have to go back tommorow though just for piece of mind. But I'm scared I won't make tommot

macc noodle
15-02-11, 18:20
Emma - keep your bedroom window open a little so that the bleach smell doesn't make you feel nauseous - I too cannot stand the smell of it !!!

You feel hot and cold because you are panicking and anxious !

You are peeing a lot because either you have actually drunk plenty of fluids over the last day or so, or, because you are getting very anxious and this is yet another side effect!

You are suffering anxiety and need to stop looking all the time for things to be wrong with you and you need to stop looking for constant reassurance over every little twinge and niggle.

Did you ask GP to try and expedite the cbt for you? Did you tell her just how anxious you are over every little thing?

And, for goodness sake, stop banging your head !!!! LOL :hugs:


15-02-11, 18:33
Hi Jan. I saw a locum gp today and it was the first time for ages that I felt like they didn't judge me because I'm anxious. She did mention about cbt and said she would refer me I meniobed I cudnt want six weeks on the waiting list and she said she would see what she could do. Also got phone on charge connected to the pc at moment and just realized I had myhand aganst the wire that's exposed now I feel all tingly and funny in that area

15-02-11, 18:48
She was really lovely but I missed some details out like the nausea and ear feelings . she said she thought it was sinus issues and gave me otrvakic ( not sure how it's spelt) to help with it. The temp carrying is driving me mad now and I'm scared it's bexause I hit my head or infection. She also checked the splinter and said if it gets red or swollen come back. I may have to go back tommorow though just for piece of mind. But I'm scared I won't make tommot

Aw emma of course you will make tomorrow......

I have been where you are now worrying about everything but honestly you have seen your gp and your fine. You need to accept its anxiety now and work with your CBT therapist to get a grip of it which you will ya know its not going to be like this forever I promise:) xx

15-02-11, 20:27
Thank you. Just had a shower but I know my mum used bleach in there this morning and around the plug was yellow. Before I got in there forgot to ask if shed rinsed it off. Had itchy skin whilst in there and now worried got a bot head to and ears hot but rest of body is fine

15-02-11, 20:38
You will be fine sweetie:)

Just check with your mum now to put your mind at rest. X

15-02-11, 21:08
Tthanks. My head is such a major concern I can't even do my hair without worrying. I have thick curls which require lots of detanglinf so I pull on them a lot to get knots out. I cent beleive things line that worry me lol

16-02-11, 09:06
feel really sickly this morning but not all worried. i was shattered this morning to. is my body just exhuasted from being anxious most of the time. also last two night have awoken to need the loo (i never awake during the night to go) and i felt really sick waking up half way through the night. I'd feel stupid going back to the docs this afternoon even though thats what i want to do. the varrying temp, nausea and peeing a lot worries me a bit.

16-02-11, 10:16
I think your exhausted and tired from been anxious all the time it totally drains you. I know when I'm over tired to the point of exhaustion I feel really sick. X

16-02-11, 17:28
Thanks. The peeing a lot hasn't happened today and that worries me. Also no temp varrying today. Also two days ago when I went to the loo I felt something weird come out but not sure what it was. It's not linked with being anxious for some reason. Have felt really nauseas today and just generally out of it.

16-02-11, 17:33
Really annoyed I didn't go to docs today for the pain I get when I move my ankles the wrong way and when my toes squeeze together and give me so much pain ( had this for at least a year if not more. So not anxiety.) also every few weeks will get a random back spasms. I'm worked up about blood clots or ms. I'm seriously thinking of seeing the doc again tomoz but as I'm me I can't see my self making the night.

16-02-11, 17:36
Also for last few days been struggling to hold in wee and I get a sudden big urge to go and if I don't get to a loo soon then I'm in trouble. Also justhad earphones pluged into iPod and there was some exposed wire and one of my fingers jolted twice

16-02-11, 18:35
Was just freezing for half hour so went to get hot water bottle now I'm warm so indont understand how the coldness is anxiety. Worried I have pnemnioa or something. Also my mum used a whole bottle of bleach yesterday in bathroom- did that cause the nausea or I know indgestion can cause it as mum seems fine

16-02-11, 19:26
Worried about bleach as I'm really itchy and my two lower legs feel sore and insanely itchy. Was slightly itchy in shower yesterday

16-02-11, 19:35
Oh Emma it could have been me writing all this a couple of years ago, I know exactly how you feel. If bleach was going to harm you you'd be hurt instantly and you'd be so sore you wouldn't be able to type here. If you had pneumonia you'd be in bed and unable to type. You haven't got either. You're fine. What was it that started all your anxiety off, have you always been so worried? xx

16-02-11, 19:52
I agree that you wouldn't be sat typing if u had pneumonia you would be so very poorly by the sounds of it emma you are so worked up and anxious and you need to break the cycle of worrying about all these different things (hopefully CBT will help this) I know what its like to feel how you do right now and I can tell you that it does get better. I wish I could help you more:) does your mum and dad know exactly how much you are struggling with your anxiety right now? X

16-02-11, 21:02
Thanks. It all strted when I got concussion last may. I can't even do my hair without worrying as the hairbrush and hairdryer tapped agiabt my forehead a few times. I also had a little black / White spot thing on the bottom of the glass I just drank from.

16-02-11, 22:05
Aaah I see - understand all the worrying about your head now! Did you ever chat to anyone about the concussion? Must have been quite scary! The chances of you getting that from banging a hairdryer/brush on your head's nigh on impossible :) so no worries there. You must have given your head a good whack to get concussion in the first place? x

17-02-11, 00:38
emma its all in your head...i was were u was mine started with blood in wee (or i think it was) i had wee tests all came back good i dint believe that theres when the health anxciety kicked in.....how can 'blood in my wee'' go to everythink like brain tumour pnemoniia, bowl cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, luekimia, rabies, blood clot, wierd veins, syphalis, chlamiydia, diabeties, chrons diesease, throut cancer , mouth cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, SO if u can tell me how that can happen..... ino its all my head YOUR MIND IS VERY POWERFULL.. uno people have phantom pregnacies where they actualy grow baby bump get all the symptons...becouse its all in there head!!!! now me to u is urs started with ur head but all the other things is anxciety mine started as my wee everthink else is health anxciety too..u need to calm down and talk yourself out of it you can do it as u no its anxciety coz ur on this website ok hun ino i have been there still am there im at cbt now u need it becouse girl u really need perfessonial help menatlly there i s nothin gphysically rong with you!! do u think docters have a secret vendetor against you there not thick im sure they wouldnt want to loose there jobs ok so stop worrying listen to your doc and go get mental help you will be fine its a dark horrible journey and you will come out a differnt person then this x