View Full Version : causes of panic attacks

31-03-06, 17:28
does anyone else suffer attacks for what seems like no reason at all.
i have always tried to come up with reasons why i have attacks but when i change things they always come back.
I thought the stress of university caused them but when i left and graduated the panic never went, i thought it was problems at home but when i left and moved a few hours away the panic still stayed.
i actually feel relaxed and happy at the moment but i know my attacks will still happen and i can never work out why and i just can't stop them.
My GP is brilliant and really hewlpful and at present my attacks are a lot better than they used to be. I used to have them either every day or every few days or sometimes many times a day. My dr gave me medicaton which is slowly working - its helping me get longer amounts of time between attacks whic is amazing but i feel i can only help myself if i know what causes them and i don't know why i have them.

31-03-06, 17:42
hi there hun.i to have the same problem i just dont know why these attacks started!i think its because of my past even tho i dont feel it affects me much now.or maybe my job!god knows!!! i think its just one of those horrible things people get.so ur not alone!take care luv mooxXx

31-03-06, 17:56
Hi and welcome to the site. I think the same as sillymoo there don't seem to be any reason for me either. Everyone is different and everyone has different fears (even people with no Anxiety have there fears too). I guess we are just nervous sensitive people, I sat one day and really thought back and remember I was a bit of a nervous child to, but as time goes on and trying not to avoid situations we learn to deal with it and lots of times I do feel as good as normal. I think most people get something, some are blind, deaf, crippled, asthma there are all sorts of illnesses and some much worst than what we got? So I do think its anxiety that we have been pinned with. But you can get better and learn to deal with everyday life normal, but it is hard work. Take care hope you feel better soon. Vernon

31-03-06, 18:01
Hi Lauren - I'm not sure what caused my initial problems either!! The only thing I can think is lifestyle - too stressed at work and poor diet which lead to my first panic attack and then the anxiety started because I was scared of all the symptoms I was getting. I've improved my diet and slowed down at work and things do seem to be improving.
The stress of uni and home may have started your anxiety and panic. Once its there, it takes a hold and it takes time to get better. Maybe you need to stop thinking about whats causing the attacks as this could be whats actually causing them now! ?
I'm glad your starting to feel better - as you get stronger the attacks will become less and you'll stop worrying about them so much.
Take Care Love Helen

31-03-06, 23:13
thanks everyone! I think i'm just too bad at worrying and trying to analyse every attack and think why is it happening when i should just deal with them and get on with life but it is sometimes easier to think tht than to actually do it!
I've been a worryier and nervous person since i was a young child so i think that causes it. i just try to have the outlook of i won't let attacks stop me doing anything which brings on more embaressment when its in public places!

01-04-06, 04:09
I have panic disorder myself too...but we get our anxiety disorders from diferent things. Basicallly when you have any kind of anxiety/panic/depression it is effected by the neurotransmitter caslled serotonin in your brain. Quiet often people develop anxiety/panci disorders from a past traumatic event, which can cause post traumatic stress disorder or just a lot of stress. When anyone, child or adult goes through severe stress it has many effects on the brain. For me, I can be having the happiest day of my life and feel fine, then boom...my hreart starts to beat faster..or so it feels that way...imy chest tightens up and I begin to shake..my entire body, and there is no trigger for it. Panic attacks have no trigger,,,,anxiety attack have a trigger.
So for you....I don't want to delve into your personal history but if you can think of a traumatic event in the past....that could be why you have panic attacks. Also..most of the time when people get post traumatic stress symptoms can be years after the occurance.
My panic attack just came back....i first starting getting them 5 years ago...and 4 years before that I was in an abusive relationship and I know that my post traumatic stress symptoms didnt really show until years later...as far as my panic anxiety and depression. I mainly have panic only know. But during those few years I tried to forget what happened by drinking excessively and doing a lot of drugs....I partied all of the time.
So I don't know why you get them...some children get them...some don't get them until they are adults.....its is very complicated. But currently I am studying to be a child and youth counsellor so I have had to learn this stuff...but also I have been able to learn about myself. If you want any info on panic disorder I am willing to share my knowledge...I don't know everything...wish I did...but I may be abel to help with some questions.
Personally I have found that medication helps...lorazapam or clonazapam during an attack helps to slow the body down...but drugs are not the be all and end all of answers. Myself, I take meds (which I hate), but I am also seeing a counsellor about my abusive past, in hopes of closure with it, and in turn it may help my panic and anxiety. So far I have had 2 sessions andI have found my counsellor great. I know the root of my PD is from my traumatic experience, so I need to face it.
Are you on any medication? have you had a diagnosis? do you take any therapy or counselling or anything else that supports you?

01-04-06, 23:38
thanks blondeangel, that really made sense. my doc has diagnosed anxiety with panic attacks and i am currently taking an anti-depressent daily and beta blockers during attacks etc. my doc is really supportive and i shall be starting hypnotherapy in a few weeks which i hope will help even more. My last attack was 3 weeks ago which for me is amazing - i was taking them daily fr a long time but i am petrified of when my next attack will be, how i will deal with it, where i wil be etc. It is such a difficult thing to deal with.

02-04-06, 10:36
hey lauren!!
im not sure what sparked off my panic attacks either!! but i also suffer from anxiety and depression, and have no idea why i have any of these problems. like other people have said, maybe your problems are caused by events from your childhood, even ones that you didn't realise made you so stressed. i mean, i had a huge panic attack in the park last year, and its only in the last month that i remembered a childhood event that happened there, which i think triggered it. these events may not seem important enough to have an attack over, but they still matter, and it could be they still hurt. maybe if you try and remember if there's any past stresses, even small ones, and talk to your doctor, you can figure out the root of your problems.
hope this helped.

love katie xxx

"If I can wipe from any human cheek, a tear,
Convince one man that hope and heaven are near,
Create more joy, more hope, less pain,
And though not one shall know my name nor drop a flower on my grave,
I shall not have lived in vain while here."