View Full Version : same ol thing, really need reassurance again!

11-02-11, 14:51
Can u just take the time to look at my pic and see if u would be worried?? I am worried its skin cancer , doc says ok but its like a fried egg and has 2 colors in it x

11-02-11, 15:10
Had a look at pic and it looke totally normal to me- I have got a few of these and my son has a large one on his neck - having seen with my own eyes my aunties malignant melanoma I can assure you it is absolutely nothing like that. Once you have seen the real thing you would not mistake it .

Have you measured the darker bit as you could always measure it say once a month to reassure yourself its not growing but even that means nothing as I get new moles even now that start off as pinpricks and slowly over years get to a certain size and stop growing.

11-02-11, 15:14
Is this the same pic you posted the other day?

It still looks like an ordinary mole to me!

11-02-11, 16:24
Same here, just a mole. If you look at skin cancers, you'll see right away as your doctor did, that this is not one

macc noodle
11-02-11, 16:34
Hi bexy - same old mole then?

It looks fine - stop worrying. If it bothers you that much go and ask your doc. if it can be removed (as I suggested in the other post you made about it).


11-02-11, 18:07
Thankyou everyone, but why does it look so bad too me??

11-02-11, 18:15
Hi bexy84,

It looks fine to me. I have my moles checked once a year a clinic in London. It's £95 and they look at every mole with a camera thingy and reassure you. It's worth going for that reassurance.

Is the mole crusting, or has it recently raised? Multi coloured moles and ones with different shaped sides are the ones I am told to look out for.

Has this mole changed recently?

Try not to worry, I know easier said than done!!

11-02-11, 18:19
No not changed that I am aware of, it is because it looks like a fried egg with the light edge round the dark middle, is that not multi colored?