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11-02-11, 15:33
Don't know what I am doing, don't know where I should be posting, I am all so very very confussed.

Some of you may know I constantly worry about my health, I am driving myself and my family to dispare. But my health isn't the only thing I worry about constantly. I constantly worry about money and wether I can afford anything and now I have had to have a loan for a car. My car is only three years old and is beautiful so now I have that to constantly worry about especially now that the three month warrenty is over, I worry is it making a noise, I worry about it breaking down, I have had a mechanic check it over and still I worry. Basically I am still worrying about money with the added bonus of a loan and an expensive repair. I have got myself into that much of a state about it my stomach churns constantly about an hour before I have to drive, making the whole situation of driving in my new car unpleasant.

I have also found a lump in my stomach which I am really worried about the doctor has checked it and I have to go to the hospital in a couple of weeks, so all in all my head is in constant unhappiness, and at the moment when I get home I lock myself in the bathroom having a bath and crying. My face is constantly numb and I find myself shouting at my husband at the littelist of things.

Sorry for the ranting but I do feel a little better now that I have released a little bit of my feelings. Does everyone feel like this?????


12-02-11, 09:09
Thanks for your kind words, I will act on each and every one of them !!!!:weep:

12-02-11, 13:38
Hi nutty, sorry noone has replied. I would imagine they all thought it was to do with the website lol.
I've had worries about my car breaking down and being stuck. To combat these fears I packed a bag with everything I could possibly need to help me in that situation.
My bag contained:
Spare medication, tissues, water, a book, pen and paper, a jumper, money.
You can create a bag of stuff you think you would need if you ever get stranded.
Theres no way any of us can say your car won't break down, because they do. Make sure you join the AA or RAC, so you have help should you need it.
As for the excessive worry. It might help if you write down your worries and then see if there is anything you can do to stop them from happening, or even a plan if one of them does come true.
I was given a leaflet when I started CBT about excessive worry which was really helpful. It was similar to this link, which Ive used myself to deal with my worrying.

Hopefully Ive said something that can help you.

12-02-11, 18:23
Aww thank you for taking the time out and not only answering me but to put that link in as well. I have read through it and alot of it makes sence. Having the bag packed also makes sence, I will try to do that. I do have breakdown cover with my bank.

Thanks again


13-02-11, 10:28
Glad you found it useful :)

13-02-11, 16:14
Hi Nutty,

So sorry you've been having such a terrible time. I hope you're feeling a little bit better today. If its any consolation, I am also a constant worrier; if it's not my health, it's my job, my house, the cat, my family and friends, my computer ... everything. I've been this way for years and years and I completely sympathize. And I agree totally with Vixxy's advice.

I hope you feel better soon hon x

13-02-11, 16:54
Thank you everyone, I have never read any of those books but the web site that Vixxy suggested is very good.

It is really weird but four years ago everything was fine then I packed in smoking, the cat got ill, then a couple of months after it went missing, then my mum got really ill and had to have her leg cut off and while sitting in the hospital day in day out for my mum my hads started to go numb and then my face. The neurologist said my hands were my spine but my face was stress ue to all of what was going on. My worrying has gotten worse and worse and yes Tiny I worry about the computer, everyones health including the cats, car, work money, I constantly have a sinking feeling in my stomach, I just don't realise how things can change so suddenly.
