View Full Version : Diabetes / low blood sugar worry

11-02-11, 19:36
i am 20 yrs old and for about 3-4 years now i have worried that i might have diabetes or have low blood sugar.

i get thirsty quite a lot, i wouldn't call it excessive thrist though. i also tend to urinate a lot.

the main thing that worrys me is i get hungry quite fast. if i eat a main meal, 2-4 hours later i'll start to feel hungry, my stomach will rumble and sometimes i will feel as if i am shaking.

does anyone else get this? i ordered some glucose urine test strips and they should be here within the next week, they tell you wether there is glucose in the urine which can indicate diabetes.

Also when i wake up in the morning, my stomach always feels empty and I get a crackling type of sensation in my throat.

i am quite worried, does anyone else have these hunger symptoms?


11-02-11, 20:07
Have you not seen the doc and got a simple blood test to confirm this one way or the other?

I would say that your blood sugar levels could be dropping as well.

Most of us have to eat every few hours to keep the levels up - I do too.

11-02-11, 20:14
Thanks for the reply.

there is no way i could do a 12 hour fasting blood test. it'd make me feel awful. i had a full blood test done not so long ago, although it wasn't fasting it was a full health check. the only thing it showed up was anaemia

i dont know if my symptoms could also be reflux/ibs especially with the cracking sensation in the throat.

i tested my blood sugar levels about a year ago for a week with a tester, everytime i felt the symptoms come on i tested my levels and they were always in the normal range so its just confusing.

its just annoying coz when i get hungry, i get REALLY hungry and as i say i soemtimes feel like im shaking and can feel weak until ive ate again

when i saw my doctor about it he said it was just anxiety but that was a couple of years ago now

11-02-11, 20:18
Hi a test will confirm if you have any problems, but I too get those symptoms I have never had brekfast but now I do eat a banana or readybrek which is slow release, also I try to snack on fruit during the morning too, I think anxiety just makes us more aware of the feelings we had before and didn't notice too much.Hope you are feeling better soon, good luck with your test.:)

11-02-11, 20:21
I have to eat every few hours at the least. I've found that the only thing to help is eating protien. I read about bananas and porridge being good for blood sugar levels but they don't work for me, it has to be high protien , ie; meat, eggs, nuts. I don't go anywhere without my peanut M&M's because this feeling can take over in a moment and I HAVE to eat or I feel very poorly - shaking, light headed. It's not diabetes in my case but I have learned to live with this and am always prepared. I also get VERY ratty when I'm hungry. x

11-02-11, 20:23
I have to eat every few hours at the least. I've found that the only thing to help is eating protien. I read about bananas and porridge being good for blood sugar levels but they don't work for me, it has to be high protien , ie; meat, eggs, nuts. I don't go anywhere without my peanut M&M's because this feeling can take over in a moment and I HAVE to eat or I feel very poorly - shaking, light headed. It's not diabetes in my case but I have learned to live with this and am always prepared. I also get VERY ratty when I'm hungry. x

So pretty much the same as me then i guess. nice to know some one else has the same symptoms, kinda reassuring.

did you ever find out for sure what causes yours then? do you assume it's just anxiety?


11-02-11, 21:06
The blood test isn't that bad.

You will get an appointment at the doc first thing say 8am - 8.30am so you will be asleep for most of that.

You shouldn't eat much after 8pm at night anyway so just go to bed earlier and then you will be up for the test.

It really is no big deal and I have had loads of them and as I said I need to eat every few hours as well.

You really do need to know as diabetes can be quite serious.

11-02-11, 21:15
I've just written a similar post about always being starving. I'm thinking possible diabetes aswell, i also urinate frequently, althoug i dont get thirsty alot, but i do drink alot.

I also feel light headed and faint, and eat chocolate to feel better.

I aso couldnt manage fasting, as i retch if i dont eat.

11-02-11, 21:22
Just wanted to reply and say im exactly the same i have to eat every few hours as i shake like my whole body its scarey,it just comes out of the blue .it started with me ever since i started beta blockers so i guess it may be somethink to do with that?! So are you on any medication?I askeed my doctor too and he said anxiety but it seems like my sugar levels do drop quickly and im going to make an appoitment for my doctor again for blood test as they want to check my thryoid aswell.hope you get some answers i really need to as im on these tablets and they are making me gain weight which i dont want ,but im too scared to come of the tablets, you are not alone .best wishes to u cxxxx

11-02-11, 21:35
You can also get the tests done at a chemist so they may not need a fasting test but as I said it is not that bad and you will be asleep for most of the 12 hours !

11-02-11, 21:36
12 hour fast is just out of the question, no why I could do it without either feeling starving or having a full blown panic attack.

As other anxiety sufferes here have the same symptoms as i do i guess it points towards it being anxiety.

i'm not on any medication.

have any of you used glucose test strips before with a sample of urine? i was told they're really good for spotting diabetes, and if the test comes back clear it's a pretty good indication that you aren't diabetic.

11-02-11, 21:56
You wouldn't want a colonoscopy then cos you can't eat for over 24 hours and I survived that one!

11-02-11, 21:59
Well I certainly don't plan on having a colonscopy lol.

11-02-11, 21:59
lloyds pharmacy dos the test its free to

11-02-11, 22:02
They sure do - But they also require a fast for 12 hours.

11-02-11, 22:03
If someone is diabetic the fasting tests are a regular occurence so how would people manage if they were diabetic?

It does seem to be blown a bit out of proportion as the test can be done early in the morning, it just means eating breakfast a bit later.

Surely it is worth waiting for an hour if you are really concerned that you may have diabetes? :shrug:

11-02-11, 22:07
No disrespect guys but can we please stop talking about fasting bloodtests? i want to know if anyone else here has these symptoms.


11-02-11, 22:14
You should look at the GI diet - maybe you are not eating the right foods.

11-02-11, 22:16
Plenty of people have these symptoms and including me i will be scared when fasting which could make things worse with the anxiety ill be shaking like a leaf but as everyone has said it wont be long and ull be sleeping in that 12 hours.and the appoitment will be as early as 7.30 because my uncle who sufferes from diabetis was offered an appoitment as early as 6.30 so they can wangle it with the nurse because they understand the difficulty then at least you will know afterwards diabetis can cause allsorts of problems and thats what you dont need.have plenty of carbs for your evening meal before you stop eating the night before.lol sorry to go on but were only trying to help.chin up cxxx

11-02-11, 22:16
Possibly. I notice certain things make me feel hungry quite fast, bread and pasta/noodles being the main ones.

Fruit makes me really hungry aswell. If I eat a banana, an hour or so after I'll end up feeling quite hungry!

11-02-11, 22:17
Have you had your thyroid tested?

The reason i ask is because i have an underactive thyroid and i've just read that thyroid problems can cause hunger.

If you have a thyroid test its nothing, just a blood test, (dont worry, no fasting involved). When i had mine done, the doctor rang me a few hours later to tell me she had the results back already!

I found some posts on this website about hunger/thyroid

http://www.steadyhealth.com/Can_low_thyroid_hormones_cause_hunger_pains_t53806 .html

11-02-11, 22:22
I have had my thyroid tested, when I went to my doctor about it he said it was either anxiety or thyroid. Blood test came back fine anyway, apart from showing anaemia. Had to have medication for 7 months for the anaemia tho.

12-02-11, 11:59
I did a urine dip test this morning and it came back negative. But I'm not sure if this is a definate that I don't have diabetes.

02-03-11, 19:19
no it isnt a definate that you dont have diabetes because my dipstick at my gp shown no suger in my urine but when i did my fasting blood test it confirmed that i had type 2 diabetes which in trying to controll with a low carb diet x