View Full Version : can anxiety cause constant nausea?

11-02-11, 20:25
hi everyone,

i will try to keep this short. i have been extremely panicked about stomach and digestive problems since the end of December, when i had a stomach virus with bad nausea and dry heaves. abdominal ultrasound, CT scan, blood tests and urinalysis were negative. endoscopy showed a small hiatal hernia and gastritis. i started omeprazole three days ago and the doctor said it will take a few weeks to become effective. i am having a gastric emptying test next week. i still feel nauseous and do not have an appetite and wonder if anxiety can perpetuate those symptoms. i went through a severe cycle of anxiety about three years ago that also was brought on by physical symptoms and convinced me that i was dying or would never feel well again. that is the way that i feel now, too. i feel on edge almost constantly.

11-02-11, 20:52
Yes definately. When my anxiety is at it's worst I feel sick all the time and like you have no appetite what-so-ever. I think it's a very common symptom of anxiety.

K xx