View Full Version : Having trouble sleeping

11-02-11, 20:51
The last two nights, i haven't slept well at all! I have been on 25mg of sertraline for 6 days now, and feeling jittery, fuzzy headed and all the usual symptoms of just starting the medication. Yesterday, started of well, but got worse as the day went on. I found I was really on edge in the afternoon and evening, which has usually been the opposite for me, as I usually find I feel better in the evening! My head felt really heavy, and i felt a little dizzy, probably the fact that all I had to eat through the day was a small can of tuna, not having much of an apetite. I know its just the side effects of the medication and that I have to persevere, but damn it, its hard!

12-02-11, 19:25
Hi Patsta, I once read a tip that if you can't sleep you should get out of bed and do something really boring. It sounded a bit like a joke at first but it really seems to work - I just get up and do some ironing or read my study books and away I go.

13-02-11, 11:39
The first couple of weeks on ADs are usually the worst. Heightened anxiety, lack of appetite and disturbed sleep. You aren't going mad, but I know it feels like it at times! And yes I agree, just lying there if you can't sleep doesn't help at all, get up and do something. It will get better, hang on in there. xx

13-02-11, 15:26
HI please have a look at my post to Abby1 on Sunday 13/2 it may help with the sleeping technique.

13-02-11, 23:52
Thanks, still having a little trouble sleeping, not so much falling asleep, but waking up a couple of hours before I need to and not being able to fall back asleep! The fuzzy head and other side effects are now gone, apart from a little anxiety still. A glass of wine, or some xanax usually fixes that right up, just until the meds start working fully!
Thanks again, will check that post to Abby1 John55.

15-02-11, 09:15
Insomnia or too much sleep may be a symptom of depression.Sleep is require for the rest of your body and mind.Physical rest is so important for the being healthy.