View Full Version : Always starving, retch if i dont eat

11-02-11, 21:02
I always feel "starving", i eat pretty much all day, and everything i do revolves around my eating, if i dont eat when i'm hugry, it quickly turns to a starving empty feeling, and if i still dont eat i'll retch or throw up liquidy stuff until i do eat.

In the middle of the night and mornings its worse, i wake up absolutely starving.
I'm really embarrassed about the amount of times a day a eat.

I have my breakfast, then an hour later i'll have some more toast or cracker breads.
And hour-hour and half after i'll have a sandwich.

Then i'll have 1 - 4 biscuits on the afternoon.

Before tea i'll have another slice of toast.

Then between tea and supper i'll eat more toast or crackers.

It's ridiculous, i have been battling with a fear of food so i mainly eat bread, crackers and cracker breads.

Ive only been having proper meals for my tea since january, and that does fill me up more than bread so i dont always have to eat as much after, i dont know if its all the bread and crackers i eat that just dont fill me up an keep me needing to eat.

But eating this quantity has only happened in the past 2 - 3 years.

I spoke to doctor about it a few years ago but didnt really think much to it and didnt seem concerned, just said it was probably "anxiety".

EDIT When i have a sandwich for my tea at 5:30pm, i usually need to eat at around 7:30pm and just a biscuit.

I've had a propper tea tonight at 5:30pm (mash taty with beans and sausage), its now 9:20pm and i still havent felt ive needed to have anything extra.

12-02-11, 00:08
I had eating disorders for six years and suffered this when I recovered. Not saying you have eating disorders or anything because I don't know your circumstances, but with me, I basically wasn't eating enough. For instance, a sandwich for dinner isn't enough so you will need to eat again.

I had to very slowly up my calorie intake per day over a few years because I'd freak out otherwise but when I wasn't taking in enough calories I would feel starving all the time, I'd wake up in the middle of the night to eat etc.

Since then I have wretched if I don't have food at a certain time and can get severe stomach pains, I assume this is because of all the trouble I put my stomach through!

Basically, I would say just check you are eating enough at your meals and make sure you feel full after every meal. I found that if I ensured that I was totally satisifed my stomach behaved itself a little more. However, I have found that I don't react well to overeating (get stomach pains all day the next day if I get too full) so you might want to avoid getting uncomfortably full.

I hope any of this helps

12-02-11, 00:20

Sounds like your just snacking all day and need a more balanced diet .

Set meals for me, three a day plus supper usually sort me out fine , i can however relate to what you are saying as due to my stomach issues and being on citralapram i was told to eat more smaller meals a day so stomach was not to full to help my acid stomach cope .

The result......i now graze all day and can eat little and often but never feel full .

I,m getting back slowly on set meals and don,t graze anymore ..lol..

As i,m a bloke with a very active job i can eat 3500 calories or more a day without weight gain ......that was before i was on citralaram ....i don,t seem to be able to eat this amount now without putting on weight , not to sure yet as its early days but its something i need to watch .

12-02-11, 00:25
You are not eating the right foods and enough of them to be honest.

Can you ask the doctor for a dietician appointment?

12-02-11, 02:14
Do you ever get the 'shakes' when you're hungry?

I to notice when I eat a full meal it'll keep me feeling full for about 6 hours, when I usually get hungry after only 2-4.