View Full Version : Tinnitus

11-02-11, 22:02
Hi there around a week ago i developed tinnitus in 1 ear my left ear .I have been completly freaking about it because i ended up googling and said if it in 1 ear only you need to get it checked.I went to doc and he checked my ear and said all ok and said it would go away in time and he really didnt know what was causing it.It is like a high ptched long tone that is worse at night ,it driving me mad.I am wondering if itis another horrid symptom of anxiety.But because it in 1 ear it worrying me more .Has anyone else had this and just in the 1 ear constantly.I would be gratefull of your reply kind regards mlly xx

11-02-11, 22:27
I think most people only get it in one ear so thats almost normal - anxiety can be a big cause of it as can certain medications - painkillers especially iibuprofen or other anti inflammatories.

I developed a constant pulse in one ear two years ago and freaked as this can be a sign of something serious like enlarged blood vessels in brain or blocked neck arteries - it can also just happen for no reason. I had neck arteries scanned and a brain scan and no about to blow blood vessels in brain and neck arteries were clear.

If it stays for many weeks then ask to go to ent just for your peace of mind.

12-02-11, 10:54
Thank you countrygirl for your reply ,i am trying hard not to focus on it but it has became worse since last night when i awoke panting for a breath .hate anxiety it totally ruins lifes kind regards molly

12-02-11, 12:25
You are so right Molly - I always say that I could cope if I didn't have such a long list of horrible physical symptoms - it is impossible to know whats caused by anxiety and what is not because the symptoms are real.
You are not imagining the tinnitus are you its really there but one of the reasons for it can be anything from what is worrying you to just being very anxious arghhhhhh!

14-02-11, 21:34
I had this and it drove me nuts but it does go away after a while