View Full Version : Localized Pain?

11-02-11, 22:56
I'm wondering if anyone ever experiences localized pain when they're anxious. I seem to have consistent left side pain in my upper abdomen which everyone tells me is heartburn (unfortunately I paid a visit to Dr. Google and discovered it must be stomach cancer, colon cancer, etc. :rolleyes:). Has this happened to anyone else? How do our minds do this to us???

13-02-11, 13:59
Hi there,

I have pain there to, but mine is due to IBS NOT cancer! Plus it does get worse when you're anxious. Instead of Dr Google (yes I know most of us go there first don't we...lol) go to your GP who will put your mind at rest. Sometimes, and I'm counting myself in this one, we put off going but once we've spoken to our doctor the anxiety goes.
Hang in there....thinking of you.

13-02-11, 15:15
Hi :)

I have localized pains in all sorts of places (mainly in the places that make many of us panic!) whenever I am stressed or anxious, I've had them for years. And of course I always think the worst. Please don't google! I know it's hard to resist but you have to fight the urge, as the internet is full of nonsense and googling will just make you feel a hundred times worse. The brain is very powerful and can make all kinds of physical symptoms happen. If it will make you feel better, go see your doc. But try not to worry hon. x

13-02-11, 15:30
Hi. I have pains everywere all the time. When I was fearing brain anerysum I would have a weird feeling at the back of my head

14-02-11, 15:59
Thanks for your answers all! I know it's probably just heartburn or indigestion, but sometimes it's so hard not to worry. I visited my GP and she gave me some heartburn meds, so hopefully that does the trick!