View Full Version : Waking in night with panic attacks :o(

11-02-11, 23:47
I've been suffering panic attacks every night for the last few nights, waking up between 4 and 5am, almost like my alarm is going off. I usually wake suddenly and my heart is already beating fast.....I try and stay calm but when i feel the adrenalin go in my stomach, its like, bam, and suddenly i can hear and feel my heart racing like crazy and i start to feel like i can't breathe.
I can't bare this every night, i feel like its becoming habbit and its almost expected that it will happen.
I've read up about panic attacks over and over again but why isn't this enough to keep my calm :o(

Any comforting words would be great. I sometimes disturb my kids when this happens and im a single mum so being on my own with them makes it worse i guess....I'm under alot of stress right now and believe this is causing the attacks but i just want them to go :weep:

12-02-11, 00:07
Oh the ones that wake you up in the middle of the night are the worst!! I can totally sympathise with you there. I usually wake up in a hot and cold sweat too, shaking and shivering. I generally take a diazepam and then usually fall back asleep with the bedside light on. I wonder if I've been having a nightmare but I don't remember it if I have.

If you've been under a lot of stress that's probably causing them. I hope they stop soon.

Best Wishes.

12-02-11, 04:32
It is so hard to deal with when you wake up with your heart pounding. It's like the panic attack started while you were sleeping. I usually have to do some deep breathing and use distraction. Sometimes I have done a crossword puzzle or watched a little tv and that seems to help. Hope things go better for you.

12-02-11, 04:40
Would it be of any help to do some exercises before bed? As much as you can, don't overdo it.

12-02-11, 15:26
Awwww Clare, you have my deepest sympathy.
I struggled with night time panic myself for a long time. :weep:
You may be able to read posts I have previously made due to night panic attacks.

My experiences are pretty much the same as what you describe. I feared going to bed and hated drifting off to sleep! It got to a point where I had them nearly every night.
I think the key trigger is stress and anxiety. I was also under immense stress at the time.
They, (the attacks), are not so bad now. I kept telling myself to calm down, tried to breathe normally, and tried to relax.
I know they are very frightening, but then panic attacks always seem worse during the hours of darkness.
I really hope you begin to feel better soon and get good quality sleep. If I can help in any way just yell! Or inbox me!! :D

12-02-11, 21:19
Thanks for all your replys. I do find breathing exercises help on occassions unless i am too overwhelmed by the fear and then i just panic. I've had cbt not so long ago and started to get better but now its got to its worst. Think i will go back to cbt for a while, thanks people x

12-02-11, 21:52
I wake up with anxiety too .... it's horrid!!! Heart racing etc etc. I try and stay in bed and breath deeply, but more often than not I give in to it, get up, come on here, play a few games and then the anxiety dies down. I've given up worrying about it now ... one day I hope it will go! Like you, I think it's almost become a habit. Take care x

12-02-11, 21:57
i get these about two to three times a year and yes mine last for anything from a day to a fortnight,,by the end of the second week ,,like you said its as if im waiting for it to happen,,then of course it does,,what i do after ive spent the first couple of nights being scared outta my skin,,is sit up until i fall into an exhausted sleep,,then i can be woken upto 10 in one night,,but what really helps is my paul mckenna cd,,his voice always sends me off to sleep no matter what,,i suppose its not surprising we have panic in our sleep as we spend all day wound tighter than a spring then expect it to uncoil at night,,nah we are not that lucky,,but i also find reading before i sleep a help,,winds me down a bit hope you have a better night x

13-02-11, 12:44
Hello everyone,

Last night I had one of those. Very scary but also very important that after 5 mins the atack and panic were gone and I was able to sleep again within 30 minutes.

Today I am fueled by anxiety and trying to just have a decent day. Nothing like a good day, just a decent day and hoping tonight I dont get another attack. I think it is our mind playing trick on us and we are the ones "calling the attack", at least in my case.

I have been drug free for anxiety for 1 month and had 3 weeks without any episodes and with the anxiety quite controlled, but 4 days ago it kicked off again and I have not been effective in tackling it, now I got that attack. This is my usual cicle: "anxious, panic attack, getting anxious because of having one, keep thinking about it, anxiety stays there, panic attack and so on so forth".

Wishing all a good day and hoping to not get up with more anxiety/panic!

14-02-11, 16:44
Hello everyone,

Last night I had one of those. Very scary but also very important that after 5 mins the atack and panic were gone and I was able to sleep again within 30 minutes.

Today I am fueled by anxiety and trying to just have a decent day. Nothing like a good day, just a decent day and hoping tonight I dont get another attack. I think it is our mind playing trick on us and we are the ones "calling the attack", at least in my case.

I have been drug free for anxiety for 1 month and had 3 weeks without any episodes and with the anxiety quite controlled, but 4 days ago it kicked off again and I have not been effective in tackling it, now I got that attack. This is my usual cicle: "anxious, panic attack, getting anxious because of having one, keep thinking about it, anxiety stays there, panic attack and so on so forth".

Wishing all a good day and hoping to not get up with more anxiety/panic!

this happened to me also a few weeks ago, it was so scary cos I hadn't woken up properly at first I had just jolted up and felt extreme fear with an already rapid heart, I was sat at the edge of my bed not knowing what was going on and a subconcious thought in my "get help"

within seconds I had began to calm down and fell asleep again not long after... but it was scary

I do get shorter / semi versions of this where i half wake up not knowing where i am and feeling fearful, it's very horrible but doesn't last long although sometimes after drinking alcohol i can have one and not go back to sleep again...

the important thing to remember is that it hasn't hurt you


30-10-12, 04:13
Anyone else get this kind of PA regularly ? I'm getting it about once a month. Defo stress and hormones and anxiety about not being able to get GP appointment/ anxiety Meds running out. :(

30-10-12, 13:02
Last night I woke up to go to the toilet, feeling fine initially, but after I got back into bed I felt boiling hot all over and struggled to catch my breath. It was really unpleasant but passed after a few minutes. I have been feeling anxious/stressed for most of the year.

Does this sound like panic? Anyone else had something similar?

Thanks a lot!