View Full Version : Panic Attack with Chest Pain =(

12-02-11, 02:23
Hey guys.

I'm really sorry I keep on posting but I can't hlep what happened to me just now.

I had a really bad panic attack because I had to go sleep over by my grammas house. I felt miserable during the whole taxi ride. When I arrived at my grammas house I felt this burning chest pain on the both sides of my chest. There was no pain in the middle but I felt like my lungs were on fire and my pulse was going so fast and I felt smothered.

I googled and ofcource it says a whole heap of stuff about angina and I'm terrified I have that now. I'm only 21 and I wasn't exercsing or exerting myself at all. The pain came on suddenly. I had this adrenaline rush with the burning chest pain and then my heart began racing so fast.

I feel ok now as my symptoms have settled but I'm terrified of it happening again. Please help me. Anyone ever suffer from burning chest pain with anxiety? I know it wasn't reflux cuz I get heartburn in the middle of my chest. This was on the both sides of my chest.:weep::weep::weep:

anx mum
12-02-11, 10:10
Hey guys.

I'm really sorry I keep on posting but I can't hlep what happened to me just now.

I had a really bad panic attack because I had to go sleep over by my grammas house. I felt miserable during the whole taxi ride. When I arrived at my grammas house I felt this burning chest pain on the both sides of my chest. There was no pain in the middle but I felt like my lungs were on fire and my pulse was going so fast and I felt smothered.

I googled and ofcource it says a whole heap of stuff about angina and I'm terrified I have that now. I'm only 21 and I wasn't exercsing or exerting myself at all. The pain came on suddenly. I had this adrenaline rush with the burning chest pain and then my heart began racing so fast.

I feel ok now as my symptoms have settled but I'm terrified of it happening again. Please help me. Anyone ever suffer from burning chest pain with anxiety? I know it wasn't reflux cuz I get heartburn in the middle of my chest. This was on the both sides of my chest.:weep::weep::weep:

Hi mark ive had stabbing pains in my chest and the smothering feeling is horrible i get often. How r u feeling now?

12-02-11, 18:45
I feel better today anxmum, how about you?

The chest pain has disappeared but it was so horrible yesterday. It was like someone was constantly pumping adrenaline in my hcets that made my heart race and the chest burning was unbelievable.

I didn't really sleep well last night, so I am a bit breathless and my head is foggy. :shrug:

12-02-11, 18:56
heart pain is felt in the centre of the chest and not the sides so you are fine.

chest pain is very common with anxiety

anx mum
12-02-11, 20:44
I feel better today anxmum, how about you?

The chest pain has disappeared but it was so horrible yesterday. It was like someone was constantly pumping adrenaline in my hcets that made my heart race and the chest burning was unbelievable.

I didn't really sleep well last night, so I am a bit breathless and my head is foggy. :shrug:

Not too good today breathings been bad and getting pains in chest:shrug: