View Full Version : Sex headache and anureysm

12-02-11, 03:04
As I posted a couple of days ago I have been terrified of having or developing a brain aneurysm !
Tonight during intercourse I was struck with the worst headache I have ever experienced! It was a sharp pain which I never want to go through again, anyway I rush my self into a and e and explain what had Happend even tho very embarssing! I go seen my a doctor who checked my mirror reflex and coordination along with other neurological type tests along with looking at my eyes with a eye exam....

Anyway he said everything looked perfect and no need for a scan butt worry is that he can detect a aneurysm by what he did can he? I am still super scared of having one I don't know what todo someone must have some advice I feel as if I'm going insane.

12-02-11, 11:23

Ive had quite a few anneurisms and most types of cancer and other terminal illnesses over the years lol. Ive had many many heart attacks, strokes and collapsed lungs. Turns out its my nervous system being too acutely aware of every last pain, twinge and spasm and then that same nervous system that picks up the symptoms, produces more of the very same symptoms, which in turn, it picks up as a new disease. Anxiety sufferers need to know what anxiety is capable of and also, and this is important, WHY they are experiencing what they are. It is a sad shame that doctors do not fully explain what anxiety is and how serious it can get. Your anxiety is focussed now on one symptom, namely headache. Anxiety can produce quite intense headaches/migraines and stabbing pains in the head, zaps, noises and tones. Also, you can get muscle tension in your neck which can feel like a tight band round your head. So you see, anxiety is more than capable of telling you that you have an anneurism because it can mimic the symptoms then tell you porkie pies about the cause. Anxiety is the only illness that tells you that you have every other illness than anxiety. When you get worried again, look at the symptoms page listed on the left menu. You can be reassured that almost all you are experiencing is on that list.

12-02-11, 12:28
My wife always has a headache before sex ? Anyone else have this problem .

12-02-11, 13:53
haha, I think being married causes those kinds of headaches. Ive always found sex to be the best cure for headaches...at least thats what i used to tell the ex.

12-02-11, 15:09
Lol this was at the point of orgasm... it sucked...

so yeah should i worry less because the doctor said i was fine and no need for a scan?

05-05-11, 16:46
if this helps .. i had this happen to me 2 years ago. had an intense one sided headache at the time of orgasm and it lasted as a dull ache for sometime after, but was mostly intense momentary thing at orgasm. was so scary! i went to the neuro for a full workup and he said it's pretty normal and migraine sufferers are more prone. i wouldn't worry unless it continues to happen or causes other symptoms. this REALLY scared me but it ended up being fine.

05-05-11, 18:03
Cranial Aneurysm are only ever picked up on angiograms and maybe contrast media CT/MRI scans. The classic symptom of a Sub arachnoid bleed because of a burst aneurysm is a thunder clap headache. The sensation would feel as though someone has just hit you hard on your head so the pain you describe would not fit but I believe what you describe is well know in medical circles.