View Full Version : i dont understand :~(

12-02-11, 12:47
my bf has just been diagnosed with moderate to severe depression he is on citalopram and has been for nearly 3 weeks they are making him feel unwell which he hates as he didnt want to go on pills in first place.
we had a very prem baby 29 months ago and she has been a constant source of huge stress and just as we turn a corner boom it hits him, it is quite well known that it happens to parents of sick kids but he sees it as a failure he thinks he is useless, pointless, stupid thinks me and kids are better off without him he really is self loathing it's so distressing to witness he is the nicest person ive ever known romantic, tactile just the bet now he cant hug me speak to me and has real trouble even looking at me he says he feels too much guilt!!
He is living with his mum and comes to see kids nearly everyday but he says he can't come back incase it ever happens again he could not trust himself he says he will never forgive himself for doing this to me and the kids, i have told him i have nothing to forgive him for he hasnt cheated on me he had a breakdown and i will do whatever i can to help him but he just hates himself so much and is son negative it makes it so hard please someone tell me there is a light somewhere? tash

12-02-11, 12:48
Hi tash1969

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