View Full Version : Newbie

12-02-11, 13:01
This is my first post, I joined a while ago but have only just plucked up the courage to post.

My name is Fiona, I'm 31, have a very understanding husband and two gorgeous boys, and over the past year have been diagnosed with OCD, GAD, health anxiety and emetaphobia.

I've always had obsessive tendencies from being a child, from about the age of 7, and to be honest it feels normal to me because I can't remember being any different. Things started to get worse for me after the birth of my second child nearly 3 years ago. At the time we had some money difficulties and I started getting anxiety attacks which then progressed to anxiety around my health and the health of my family.

This time last year I was in total meltdown and couldn't function, went to my GP and was referred to a therapist for CBT. It's has been a difficult year with many ups and downs, thinking I've beaten it and then relapsing. I still go to my therapist once a week and do feel like I'm making some progress but there are times where I feel like I'm teetering on the edge and just spiral out of control again.

I have self diagnosed myself with many fatal illnesses this past year which, thankfully, have not been diagnosed by any doctor. My OCD and health anxiety are extremely inter-linked and I check my body obsessively for lumps, bumps and moles.

Anyway, that's me...I look forward to giving/recieving support.

12-02-11, 13:02
Hi bloxy

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

09-07-11, 18:19
Hello, i have joined up becuase i am also emetaphobic. i just want to talk to somebody with this phobia as i havnt yet spoke to one or met somebody with this phobia.


09-07-11, 21:55
Welcome bloxy!

09-07-11, 22:32
Welcome Bloxy! :) x

10-07-11, 11:30
Welcome xxx :D