View Full Version : Fed up with everything.

Jamie C
12-02-11, 17:11
Just had enough, this is getting stupid now, i feel like i'm the next one to die etc
just gunna pile my symptoms into a list and be very blunt.
Feeling weak
Very Tired
Very faint
derealization / spaced out
ringing in my ear (always had it but its never been this bad)
Twitching and musle spasm's
tense head
head pains
sore behind my eyes
sore lower jaw
aching neck and shoulders
tight throat
lump in throat
Lots of mucus/ Phlegm
hard to breath
itchy throat/ inner ear
sometimes get chest pains over heart area
back pain
Random shivers

So... what's going on then? Or how long have i got to live...
I've been to the Doctors twice this week already and been told its all anxiety related..
I'm 18 why am i looking at life in such a crap way , cuz atm way i see it, it look's effing awful. Whats the point in working all our lives just to get cancer and die painfully.. there are cures but the government won't release them or make them affordable... so why shud we put up with the crap with it being used as population control? I fear cancer more than anything else, i'd perfer to go when i don't know its coming.. if you get what i mean. I lost my nan who had that horrid diesease a week ago (altho we believe her heart gave out first... and now i've just taken the cat to the vet and been told he could have a possible tumour..
Why can't i do anything right in life, why am i always getting rubbish, whatever i do is wrong and i can't do enough to stop certain consequences..

I feel like punching a wall till my hand and wrist are smashed to bits and constantly feel like crying... my mates are like "man up" but they are totally clueless to what it is like to have anxiety. Someone calm me down before i loose my mind or jump infront of a train.

12-02-11, 17:23
Hi Jamie,at this moment im sure my back pain is a tumour,my gps are tired of me and now i see a shrink who is nice but just doesnt get "it"..i know im not crazy,im bloody scared im dying..yes life throws so many things at us which we have no control over,but your not alone with your thoughts and fears..your list is long,yes,i can say ive had them all and many more at some time or another...cancer is scary and its on my mind 24/7,your mates wont understand as they just get on with life..something me and you and everyone else on this forum just cant do..i cant offer you help but what i can say is,we're all here for you for support.Have you considered meds to help you maybe jsut calm down a bit? if not think about them..they might help you have a break about being so hard on yourself.x

12-02-11, 17:28
Feeling weak - Y
Very Tired - Y
Very faint - Sometimes
derealization / spaced out - Y
Dizzy - Sometimes
ringing in my ear - Y, due to wax build up
Twitching and musle spasm's - Y
tense head
head pains - Y
Headaches - Y
sore behind my eyes - Y- Y- Y
sore lower jaw - Y
aching neck and shoulders - Y
tight throat - Y
lump in throat - Y
Lots of mucus/ Phlegm - Y
hard to breath - Y
itchy throat/ inner ear - Y
sometimes get chest pains over heart area - Y
back pain - Y
Random shivers - Y

I have had X-Rays, MRIs, blood tests, urine tests and physical exams, all came back clear. The GP said anxiety -> tension -> muscle strain

12-02-11, 18:22
Stop right where you are!!, you are NOT useless or indeed dying. You ARE having a rough time though. My friends Anxiety and Depression started when i was about 21, oddly enough I lost one of my grandparents and my beloved pet at the time- I think I had always been anxious and this just brought it all to a head.
I really feel for you and when i read your list of symptoms on your
post i thought 'gosh, this is EXactly how i felt before i had treatment!-I felt what was the point, i'd never have this and that, I was really very scared about dying but of course now gone 40 I do have those things i felt i never would-but really most us never have ALL that we want. I think the dying thing is something that 'frightens' everyone, but when you have anxiety it becomes about the only thing you can think about
Your symptoms are VERY likely to be ALL anxiety related. Belive me I have had AIDS several times, More Heart attacks than i can remember and countless other disorders-none of wheich were real.
HOWEVER you do sound like you need to see your GP again and go for the correct treatment-meds and couselling. You must think you are going mad-I can assure you are NOT, but get treated because it will give your life back and quieten down those racing thoughts.
And when you get yourself treated you will be very prooud of yourself. Remember if you had an infection would you seek treatment and take antibiotics, there is NO difference with this
Good luck

Jamie C
13-02-11, 01:50
Hi guys

Thanks for the replys. Bad time, yes , unbelievably bad i just feel so crap and i think i'm seriously ill all the time etc Constantly anxious even over nothing sometimes, i wanna stop wasting my life worrying about stuff and just get on with it so i think i will seek some treatment and councilling, i've gota see my GP again soon anyway cuz my blood pressure is high. My head feels so weird its untrue its like somethings pulling down on it and its spinning too, my necks aching alot too, i sometimes get flashing streaks in my vision, only one or two but it cos i sit infront of a computer all day. I wasn't as effected by the loss of my nan as much as i thought i would be, maybe because i spaced myself from her over the past year? who knows still a tragic loss to our family. But being unemployed and living in the middle of no-where means i hardly ever go out, and the only company i have is the two cats we got, which are like best friends to me and i couldn't bare loosing one of them to be honest. Thinking about it, this is probably what caused my anxiety.. about 5 years ago we lost our old cat (he was 15) and i was destraught, and then i had GCSE's and then a girl got involved and it all kinda took a tumble untill we reach here. We find out whats happening to our cat tomorrow morning. Thank you for the supportive, informative and positive reply's, i may be coming across quite blunt and ignorant but its greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks

13-02-11, 09:48
hi i currently have every listed symptom you have described every one. I'm not even kidding sorry i feel some what relieved.

however stop thinking your useless easier said than done cos irremt the day crying yesterday fed up. but i have now decide that if dying any time soon is date well i ain't going to die in my bed. I'm going to enjoy it. think positive i have gadgtpgmad i was 18# i remember my first panic attack like happened 10 minutp ago. that fear is what keeps my anxiety alive x

got To keep thinking good things plenty of people have beaten this and so can we. i am lucky that i have a good councillor x

you will get their

13-02-11, 21:37

I am responding to you again, because i am almost jumping up and down to tell you That you will be OK. You sound so much like I was, but i'm lucky in a way that i now have the benefit of 20 years of hindsight.
My anxiety rocketed when i was about 21, i am 41 now, so I have YEARS of experience with my little friend. Thats how i think of it now, because it is part of me and probably always will be-BUT-you will either get rid of it or certainly learn to live with it and manage it BUT ut is SO important to get treatment, when you do you will realise that your are certainly not useless and getting rid of the anxiety will give you the confidence to look for jobs, meet people etc.
Life is sometimes shitty for most people, some people just find it easier to deal with, or appear to-they never tell us.
You Jamie sound like a young chap- being a young chap is a very 'macho' time in life, its a time when all the lads are 'up for a laugh', pulling girls, dreaming of fast cars, stories that, how can say are 'embellished' along the way and of course lots of nights out on the 'lash' (I have 5 brothers)-and of course you need to feel you fit in- we all do! even when you are dying inside. I bet that NONE of your mates have a clue how you feel, i doubt wether you've even told them because you feel they would think you were 'weak'- If this is the case then I know because i was like that, you have to appear 'strong' even if you feel like jelly inside-it was bad enough for me and I'm a girl. My parents don't know to this day- i never told them and still wont because i didn't want them to think less of me, it took me about 6 months to see my Gp, beacuse i was 'ashamed'

Also Jamie, you said that losing your granny wasn't so bad as you distanced yourself from her- well i don;t think it works like that. Grief-is a very strange old thing, you probably distanced yourself to 'protect' yourself,. but you ARE grieving and that doesn;t mean you cry and then it is OK, Grief is a HUGELY complex emotion that happens to creep up on you when you least expect it-luckily though there is LOTS of support out there
Needless to say I am a lot more philisophical these days, i'm into knitting and tea, BUT i am happy with that! |You will be OK, Stiff necks and headaches are hardly surprising given that you are probably so tense your muscles are screaming for a rest. Oh and you are not ignorant or blunt!! nothing of the sort-you sound very sensible to me-but i know us anxious folk like to think the worst of ourselves!! No one is ignorant-we just all know about different things adn we will never know everything!
Whats that saying from a film george clooney and spies??
Good night and good luck!
Let me know how you get on-Kath

anx mum
13-02-11, 21:44
Just had enough, this is getting stupid now, i feel like i'm the next one to die etc
just gunna pile my symptoms into a list and be very blunt.
Feeling weak
Very Tired
Very faint
derealization / spaced out
ringing in my ear (always had it but its never been this bad)
Twitching and musle spasm's
tense head
head pains
sore behind my eyes
sore lower jaw
aching neck and shoulders
tight throat
lump in throat
Lots of mucus/ Phlegm
hard to breath
itchy throat/ inner ear
sometimes get chest pains over heart area
back pain
Random shivers

So... what's going on then? Or how long have i got to live...
I've been to the Doctors twice this week already and been told its all anxiety related..
I'm 18 why am i looking at life in such a crap way , cuz atm way i see it, it look's effing awful. Whats the point in working all our lives just to get cancer and die painfully.. there are cures but the government won't release them or make them affordable... so why shud we put up with the crap with it being used as population control? I fear cancer more than anything else, i'd perfer to go when i don't know its coming.. if you get what i mean. I lost my nan who had that horrid diesease a week ago (altho we believe her heart gave out first... and now i've just taken the cat to the vet and been told he could have a possible tumour..
Why can't i do anything right in life, why am i always getting rubbish, whatever i do is wrong and i can't do enough to stop certain consequences..

I feel like punching a wall till my hand and wrist are smashed to bits and constantly feel like crying... my mates are like "man up" but they are totally clueless to what it is like to have anxiety. Someone calm me down before i loose my mind or jump infront of a train.

Hi hun how u feeling now any better? Can understand how your feeling this anxiety takes over pm me anytime

14-02-11, 00:57
Right now i have a CLot in my artery lol..I think i do anyhow...I cannot convince my doc enough to run the full gamete of tests on me. They just cant win when it comes to me and wanting something done, I'm sick of how our brains work i didn't think anxiety could run amok so much with our physical being.

Jamie C
01-03-11, 17:06
Ok, i took some time out away from the internet for the past few weeks so don't think i ignored you guys, your replys and advice mean alot to me cos i can read it back when i'm having a rough time and remeber i'm acctually fine lol. We laid nan to rest 2 weeks ago and i'm glad its done because we can now move forward but still remeber her, it has hit us all hard. Other news is that the cat doesnt have a tumour and it was just an infection and he is better now so thats good. Kath i could bloody kiss you for that post, made me relise alot and its made me feel i need to do something with my life instead of sitting around being depressed and anxious about nothing and this is true because when i'm occupied all the fears go away etc just need to go out more often now and sort out some proper mates lol. Having abit of a bad time atm, full blown cancer fears in force and its really starting to get to me down i've even stopped using my phone in fear of it wud give me some kind of diesease. I keep thinking i have throat/brain/sinus cancer had some well weird spells lately, lots of random head pains inclduing a sharp shooting pain yesterday and sometimes random bubbles/cells in vision and my throat feels weird and very tight altho i know i have a cold atm but its just plain annoying, my sinuses always feel blocked and bunged up at the back of my nose (where it meets my throat) and now i've been coughing up some phlegm with blood in it which made me freak out, altho i had a nose bleed about a week ago so that could be the cause? I havent been on google but from what i've read in the past just crops up when i start feeling bad. I did go to my DR about 3 weeks ago and he said its all anxiety related and that was it. But i will continue to solider on. How are you guys keeping?


03-03-11, 16:19
glad you came back, was getting a bit worried about you. You have what sounds like a cold-that is not meant to be a flippant comment, but seriously it is what it sounds like, you sometimes get nose bleeds after a cold if the little vessels up there are feeling a bit miffed. Hot steam with a towel over your head should help clear those blocked sinus'

You sound a bit more chilled, which i am really pleased about, but your muscles still sound very cross, ever thought of one of those relaxation tape things DONT laugh!! (LOL) i used them years ago and they REALLY DID help, i still do the excerises now.

Keep calm and carry on!!