View Full Version : Shooting pain in left arm / numbness / tinnitus

12-02-11, 18:14
Been ok with anxiety recently. but worried about DVT as i have to wear compression stockings (doctors says it's a minor thing).

this evening, was fine, then felt dizzy and have slight numbness in left arm and sharp shooting pain i top of left arm for about a minute. this was followed by tinnitus, which i still have one hour later.

I made the mistake of googling it.. so now i'm convinced it's the heart. do i go to hospital (again!)? It's hard to know sometimes whether it's anxiety or whether it's something that needs to be checked, as this time it might be something!!

12-02-11, 18:17
I think only you can decide that to be honest.

If it was a heart attack you would have central chest pain as well and probably wouldn't be sat on a computer typing this message lol.

12-02-11, 18:24
Hmm - thanks Nicola. I hear what you're saying. But i hear about minor heart attacks.

My doctor keeps telling me it's not my heart, i have been doing well with coping with the anxiety about it... but sometimes the symptoms get the better of me, especially when they're sudden and there are several at the same time. I did get chest discomfort at the same time, but not pain.

I was diagnosed with deep arterial valve failure of both legs (more in the left leg) and have been wearing compression stockings since Oct. My doctor says that I will not get DVT (my biggest fear as it feeds my heart attack fear) and that the worst i will get with this condition is varicose veins in later years. I worry constantly about DVT in my legs, despite the docs reassurances.

12-02-11, 18:59
The pain would probably be continuous and not disappear if it was the heart though.

You have to believe your doctor on this one though.