View Full Version : sore throat

12-02-11, 19:47
I have sore throat now for few days, i gargle salt water, moutwash, use the sprays, have chamoline tea with honey, absolutely everything, but its doesnt seem to help at all
Soreness is in area where the mucus come down from nose, should i need to see doctor or just wait when its goes away?

12-02-11, 20:50
Perhaps give it untill Tuesday / Wednesday to clear , if not by then nip the docs

13-02-11, 15:43
I get the same pain in my throat sometimes and mine stems from when i'm anxious i tend to tense up a lot, especially in my throat when i start to hypervenilate. It makes my throat sore for a while afterwards. I very much doubt its anything to worry about.

13-02-11, 18:13
Thanks for your replays, im feeling much better, sore throat almost gone :D