View Full Version : ruptured spleen

12-02-11, 23:06
I don't know whether anyone has seen my earlier posts about the pain under my ribs on the left side and my left shoulder.......

Well now I'm convinced I have a ruptured spleen ?? Would I know if I had I'm in a major panic now over it and I'm feeling really sick as well and dizzy.........

I'm terrified :0(

12-02-11, 23:10
As I understand it a ruptured spleen is very serious and if not treated can be life threatening so I don't think you have one.

You would not be able to come on here and type to be honest.

12-02-11, 23:15
I'm just terrified now incase I'm bleeding internally now :0( x

12-02-11, 23:24
Nope you would be in serious pain I think.

It could be costochondritis maybe

12-02-11, 23:35
whats costochondritis ive never heard of it ?? x

12-02-11, 23:38
Try this:


12-02-11, 23:42
thanks x

12-02-11, 23:50
Do you feel calmer now that it isn't serious?

12-02-11, 23:55
a little bit still getting horrible stabbing pains more up towards my shoulder on my back :weep:

12-02-11, 23:56
Ok well go and see the doc and maybe ask about what I mentioned.

In the meantime take some paracetamol

13-02-11, 00:06
Sorry I should add .... take paracetamol if you are allowed to with any other medication you are on

13-02-11, 02:32
Do you have IBS? It could be splenic flexure syndrome. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Splenic_flexure_syndrome)

13-02-11, 11:38
Hi Kayleigh

I have costochondritis - which I feel like a stabbing pain on the left side of my chest, right about where my heart is. I believe it can affect any of the rib areas though.

Also, my friend's boyfriend had a ruptured spleen - from an accident at work. He very quickly got VERY ill. The doctor took one look at him and called an ambulance. I won't detail the symptoms he had, but they weren't what you are describing.

One other thing... I read on one of your other posts (ibs one I think) where you said "it feels like one rib is tucked up under another". This may sound really stupid, but I feel I should mention it as that is exactly a feeling I've had in the past. It turned out that for me, it was because the bra I was wearing was too tight around my ribcage!!! It was effectively squeezing my ribs together & this caused a sharp pain where the 'floating ribs' are. I had no idea that this was the cause until I read another similar post! But when I switched to the next size bra (ie. 34 to a 36) the pain improved and eventually went altogether!! Who knew it could be something so simple?! :blush:

Not suggesting that this is your problem, but can't hurt to mention it! :winks: