View Full Version : head sensation eye problems

13-02-11, 08:23
hi all - i have been suffering with stress and anxiety for the past six months but over the last few weeks i have started to worry as im getting a horrible sensation in my head and have strange eye sensation with loads of spots and blurry vision like looking at a heat wave.

my head pain is really whats stressing me its it mainly the leftside of my head it is a numb/sicky/tense feeling (sorry hard to explain) its starts at the base of my neck and moves up and feels like my brain is number - even though you cant feel your brain

Im currently on betablocker to claim me down has anyone else suffered with this

13-02-11, 11:07
Is this constant?

First thing that came to mind was migraine, because that starts with distorted vision and is then followed by severe headache, being stressed or having anxiety problems can often bring them on and make them worse.

See your GP just to be sure though.