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View Full Version : how do you be you again

13-02-11, 08:30
hello ive had this anxitey thing for 6 mnths now just would like to know how you stop thinking about anxiety and just get on with your life its like my brain trys stopping me thinking about normal things and just keep thinking about how rid of the anxiety or i keep thinking about want i went though when it all started and keep getting odd memories from years ago i know this normal to get now and then so why does it bother these things never use too any input would be great thank you

13-02-11, 11:08

I think its only natural when you are feeling anxiety it takes over your thoughts and you tend to focus on that....I know I do, I keep thinking of 'it' and why am feeling like it. For me distraction is key, I find if I wake up feeling like it and i often do, by the time I have got off to work it has gone and I feel 'normal' again!!!

Try listening to your favourite music or can you read a book?? or just try doing something you enjoy??? I know its hard sometimes when feeling anxious but if you can manage to do that it should help eventually.

Hope you feel better soon....not nice...I know.
