View Full Version : Does crying help?

13-02-11, 12:14
Just wondering because I honestly cannot remember the last time I cried, I certainly haven't in the last three years. I tend to keep everything bottled up but just wondered if having a good cry can help with recovering from anxiety?

13-02-11, 13:14
I find crying helps relieve anxiety for a short period of time, overall in the long term I don't think it makes for recovery x

13-02-11, 14:51
I find a good cry usually helps when I'm having a bad day or if something's annoyed me but it's only a short-term cure really.

14-02-11, 16:37
I couldn't cry for 30 years as I was totally out of touch with my feelings. Most of the time, I didn't even know what I was feeling, as I kept the lid on my emotions in case they would overwhelm me. Or make me feel ashamed.

With the benefit of hindsight, I'm sure this had a lot to do with coming down with anxiety/panic, as the anxiety/panic was actually forcing me to face up to what I was actually feeling. It's only possible to put the lid on for so long, until the mind starts reacting to all this avoidance and control, which renders one basically static and rigid, and thus unable to cope with real life in a constructive and satisfying way.

These days I can cry at the drop of a head, in fact, I only have to watch the news, and there will be something setting me off on a regular basis. Which only seems appropriate, as there are some horrendous things happening in the world. I'm not ashamed of my feelings any longer, but it feels like an incredible relief, as my emotions seem to be flowing again - literally! Life in general feels considerably better for it.

I think we are equipped with a whole range of emotions, and all of those emotions have a right to be felt and experienced and make sense. They are there to help us react appropriately, not so much in view of other people and what is the 'done thing', but more in view of our own needs. It is not possible to have our needs met by ignoring or putting a lid on our emotions, or distinguishing between 'acceptable' and 'unacceptable' emotions. And it's our emotions that build the bridges to other people.

If there's one thing I've learned, it is that all our emotions are relevant and important. They are basically serving the purpose of guiding us through life in a constructive way, even if they don't feel all that nice all the time. But then the sun doesn't shine all the time either, does it. And I can't think of a good reason why it should. :winks:

14-02-11, 16:43
wish i could have a good long cry as i really need to let so much out and i can feel tears trying to force themslves out of my eyes but every time i switch off and i hate it as i just want to let it out but it keeps happening, god made tears fro a reason and it helps to release a lot of stuff, just wish that i could somehow let myself go and cry as i know it would help me also, take care.

14-02-11, 16:52
"wish i could have a good long cry as i really need to let so much out and i can feel tears trying to force themslves out of my eyes but every time i switch off and i hate it as i just want to let it out but it keeps happening, god made tears fro a reason and it helps to release a lot of stuff, just wish that i could somehow let myself go and cry as i know it would help me also, take care." >englishguy43

Don't try to force the tears - it doesn't happen like that. And trying to force them in order to get some relief is just the kind of controlling behaviour that is preventing them.

If anything, try to increase your awareness of how you are feeling. Not just every now and again, but on a daily basis. In my experience, there are a lot of clues to be found in this. And once you relax and become a bit more accepting of your emotions, that's when they begin to flow on their own accord. Take care. :)