View Full Version : never give up

13-02-11, 13:42
I am new to this forum ................found it one night in desperation looking for some soul who would just understand the loneliness and horror of constant mental pain . Found this safe place and my relief was huge and grateful.
Anxiety and panic has returned after a 10 year absence.
Then I was misdiagnosed ....made to feel a neurotic attention seeker and only the intervention of a good doctor saved my life. got meds and started to read about CBT. never got a therapist but I learnt loads through books and internet .

I have the tools to get better again ..it happened before and will happen again .
Just want to say to anyone viewing feeling desperate .......the Light at the Tunnel end will be there .maybe dim at first .....but it will keep glowing honest .
See a doctor you trust [ask the receptionist for one with interest in mental health ]....read ,read and read some more on our condition because knowledge is the start of taking control back .

Be gentle with yourself .no guilt or blame eh? it is an illness like any other .
Tell family and friends ...........dont hide it .others cannot truly understand of course .but most will try to support xx
And those that dont ...are toxic to our spirit anyway .

One last thing [and thank you for reading ]
the main thing that shines and comforts me so much is the fact that because we suffer so sometimes ........we are gentle people who give lots of empathy and help to others . really nice people us :blush:
WE do it because we understand anxiety and fear . think we should rejoice in that folks !!
it is a great gift to have in this scary world .
so on we plough forum friends eh?

13-02-11, 13:48
Hi Snowgoose,

Lovely post!!


13-02-11, 15:35
your post was really nice made me cry. x

13-02-11, 18:32
Thank you JT69 and scared stiff 695:hugs:
your replies mean a lot .
We so lose our sense of self in this illness ...........I feel it now and it was looking through old diaries that I found this belief entry ....... that we are indeed valued and can make a difference through our pain.
Look what Nicola has done in making this forum ....i dont know her .but wow !!
the posts tell the story .and from all over this fragile planet we seek and we find comfort and education to help ourselves xx
it did take meds to get me to the point of being strong enough to take a bit of control back. and then move forward and get back that self esteem .
so I am here feeling afraid and with all those symptoms that make you feel so ill yet again.

But there is a little voice in my head that says keep going ...keep going .
We are what we are ........sensitive and afraid ..very fine tuned to brain chemicals .......a result of past trauma xx

But I bet every one of you has made someone hurting feel better . because you know how dreadful it feels to have panic and and anxiety 24/7.

and I hold that close to me when feeling awful . we know better than anyone that hell.
so ...........we forum people are going to help others through their upset when well again.
I will overcome this :yesyes:...................and believe me you will too if you see doc and get advice ...and get Cbt .......I was refused it but got books and through internet. I could only manage baby chunks at at a time .

please believe that you will get better ..you will . takes work and strength ..............but hey we have proven strength by having suffered so long before seeking help yes?
bring it on .............we are so not alone . xx

13-02-11, 21:28
I,m not very good with words so.....


Get well soon


13-02-11, 21:43
thank you Mel2
I love that song too.

keep strong and always keep hope eh?:)

blue moon
14-02-11, 01:20
Thanks for your words snowgoose,and yes we are caring,sensitive and gentle people,and you are one of them.:hugs:
Love Petra x:flowers: