View Full Version : last year couldn't go out this year going to india

31-03-06, 23:47
hi all
i'm very excited that i am going to india for a wedding and a few weeks exploring this summer - i started getting anxiety attacks before a big 5 month south america trip 18 months ago but went anyway not recognising what they were

after more worsening anxiety and a hospital spell i finally got home to a meaningless life of fear guilt and hopelessness - i had a good job to come back to, lots of good friends, a great flat in a great city - no reason to be scared or down but was a shaking wreck for months - getting back to work was a challenge but i knew it was so important for me - none of my friends have been lost - in fact my being open has brought a lot of stories out of the woodwork

over a year later i have flown to the alps for skiing trips - still shakey but i try to ignore it - these trips i have been really scared of but were great in the end

as for the india trip - this is my return - travel to far flung lands has been my escape and adventure for years so crashing on my last trip felt like the end of a big part of my life - i am excited rather than scared - i will accept the trip as it comes, anxiety and all, but i will put good odds on it being as exciting as it ever was

if you do it despite the anxiety, the anxiety will get less and less - the first times have to be a leap of faith that you can cope even if you don't enjoy it - once you know you can survive you can begin to enjoy the next time

enough of my good times

go and have some of your own

good luck jos x

01-04-06, 09:53
Well done Jos

Lovely news re the trip to India to go to the wedding. I bet you will have a wonderful time & do'nt forget to let us all know how it went.

Its such a great achievement for you & so pleased to hear it.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

01-04-06, 10:21
Good for you Jos :D.

I love travelling also so I can relate to how you feel about it. Hoping to get to Nepal later in the year.

Have a great trip.


01-04-06, 11:06

Have Great fun and Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

01-04-06, 11:54
Well done,

I went to Egypt in an acute state of anxiety back in July last year, a 5 hour plane ride looking at the back of a seat, wasn't much fun but the holiday was definately worth it.

Hoping to go abroad later this year, dont know where yet.

Hope it all goes well for you.


03-04-06, 11:32
Well done Jos, you are an inspiration.

I've never really travelled very far: france, Spain, ireland, holland and since I started having full on panic attacks I have found it really hard to travel locally, never mind leave the country. the problem that I imagine myself having with travelling is that if i have a panic attack, I'd want to scurry home and I wouldn't be able to. I went to Amsterdam a couple of years ago and had an horrendous panic attack on the plane. i felt terrible all weekend, especially as i was dreading how I was going to get home: flying, boat? I'm scared of both.

I really would love to travel, however, and i guess that at the end of the day the desire to do it and the excitement of going away overtakes the fear. My mum is a good example because she has always been very nervy. We never had any money when we were growing up and a few years ago by step-dad got some claim money through after quite a bad road accident. Neither of them had ever been abroad, my mum was terrified of planes and boats. But, my stepdad was detemined to use the money for a holiday as he might never have enough money to do so again. My mum agreed for his sake, despite being terrified. Now she proudly boasts how 'she's not scared of flying, it just bores her!' They go abroad every year now!!

I know it's psychological. I feel really daft and cowardly being scared of fair ground rides for example, when young kids and old ladies go on them and have a great time.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

03-04-06, 12:48
Fantastic attitude :D:D:D

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

03-04-06, 13:08
Good on ya, Jos!

I am gagging to go to Cuba and/or Cambodia but as yet haven't got your strength and resolve!

I've been a high state of anxiety recently but am still doing my day trip to Belgium tomorrow :)

Such an inspirational post...


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers