View Full Version : Reaction to Sertraline :-(

13-02-11, 16:41
Hi, i'm Claire, this is my first time posting, although i've browsed here as a guest before!!:)

I had to call emergency doctor this morning to get advice over the phone. It would have been day 6 of taking Sertraline today, but this medicine scares the life out of me and it doesn't agree with me at all.
I've tried different ones and never experienced anything like this in my life.
I've literally not slept in about 3 days, an hour here and there if im lucky, been having massive panic attacks (which i never had before, just anxiety and low mood) and at certain times of the day sheer terror would hit me and i'd be so scared i would cry
The doctor i spoke to recommended i stop immediately and go and see my GP about something else tomorrow.
He also said its 50-50 with this you either love it or hate it, its good for some but has the opposite affect on others its been a week of hell to be honest, i've been having thoughts of being sectioned, my kids being without me etc.
I'm now scared to try anything new, its really put me off. I might ask about my original Meds Cipralex (escilatoprem) but i think they were for depression rather than anxiety.
Im so disapointed i've had to stop this, but i think i would have mentally broke down if i hadn't through insomnia, panic and terror
Just so sad and miserable right now, don't know were to go next and when i will feel better from taking these, when will they be out of my system?

13-02-11, 21:04
Hi Claire.I am now on an upwardly revised dosage of this stuff and it still knocks me about. I'm going back to Dr. and ask to be weaned off. It normally starts working for some people between 1 to 3 weeks.After 6 days of taking it you should be alright if that is what your Dr advised. I made the mistake of having a lot of alcohol with it about a week ago and had the worst anxiety attack for a long when sobered up and later some suicidal thoughts. So, I am taking control, cutting out alcohol altogether ( it brings out the worst in me) and weaning off. I am now searching for other strategies. Hope you feel better soon.

13-02-11, 21:09
Cipralex is in the same family of drugs as sertraline (SSRIs), and is also given for anxiety disorders. So it would absolutely fine to go back onto Cipralex specifically for anxiety.

Bear in mind, regarding meds, that they can make you feel more anxious for the first couple of weeks, which can impact on sleep. It sounds like you had a pronounced effect from sertraline, however - and perhaps it just isn't the one for you. Sometimes docs give a small amount of diazepam for the first couple of weeks when starting an SSRI to counteract the heightened anxiety.

13-02-11, 23:48
Clairly, I have been on sertraline on and off for 9 years now. When I restart taking it, my anxiety always hits the roof, but usually within a couple of weeks, it settles down. I am now on day 8 of taking 25mg, I'm not getting the fuzzy head or dizziness anymore, but still some anxiety, which i know is completely normal. My doctor has also prescribed me some xanax to take when needed in the early stages, to help with the symptoms, until the sertraline takes full effect. Its wonderful stuff and calms you within about 15 minutes. Having said that, sertraline may not be the right medication for you, speak to your doctor and see what he comes up with...good luck.

14-02-11, 00:43
My doctor has also prescribed me some xanax to take when needed in the early stages, to help with the symptoms, until the sertraline takes full effect. Its wonderful stuff and calms you within about 15 minutes. Having said that, sertraline may not be the right medication for you, speak to your doctor and see what he comes up with...good luck.

You mean the xanax is wonderful stuff?

In any case, not all SSRI drugs are the same, ask for a different one, clairly.

14-02-11, 08:30
Thakyou for your replies, I had PND after having my son 6 years ago and have been on and off Meds since mainly Cipralex.
They worked good for depression but im not sure if they'll work good for me this time. I don't know what the GP will give me this time. I'm just terrified of the unknown now, and thats why i wanted to go back on Cipralex.
That might not work for me though, as this is different to anything i've ever had before.Anxiety.
I took my last Sertraline on saturday morning, and still feel like im wired, Insomnia, although i didn't have the terror yesterday that i was experiencing i had a mild panic attack at 5am.
I just feel they've done me more harm than good, i was better before taking them, so not sure if to try and manage without Meds and wait for my CBT referral to come through :unsure:

14-02-11, 08:32
Also meant to add im also on Half inderal La 80mg, propranolol. Was on this before i started Sertraline but it doesn't seem to be helping since taking Sertraline.

14-02-11, 09:16
I am currently on citalopram for severe anxiety and it seems to be working for me. I have also had it a couple of times in the past and it worked before. It's licensed in this country for the treatment of both depression and panic/anxiety disorders. The modern anti-depressants (SSRIs) all work in basically the same way, but they have minor differences in them, so sometimes it takes a little while to find the one that works best for you.

14-02-11, 09:23
I just had my phone consultation with my Gp. Told him everything, he thinks i've had some sort of Paradox reaction to it, which is strange because its in the same family as the others.
He's told me to see him friday morning so i've got an appointment for then, this needs to leave my system first before i can try something new. Not sure if it'll be another SSRI though - scared.
What is a paradox reaction? i didn't even think to ask.

14-02-11, 11:51
Hi Clairly

I dont know what a paradox reaction is but I was exactly the same on Sertraline (25mg). I felt so ill I couldn't even speak without gagging. I took it for 5 days and stopped after docs advice. I then had to wait 3 days before starting Cipralex. The doc started me on a low dose of 5mg. Had a few side effects, nausea, upset tummy, slight increased anxiety but no way near as bad as Sertraline! After 11 days the doc increased to 10mg (recommended dose for anxiety). Again for few days felt bit rough but gradually it has improved. Its been 3 weeks now and im just starting to feel the benefits. Hoping to go back to work next week after 5 weeks off.

I am still getting anxious but able to control it much more and its no way near as bad.

I to was scarred like you but I said to myself, how much worse can I feel?? I basically just got through a day at a time.

Only you can decide and listen to your docs advice but please dont be afraid to try the cipralex for anxiety. It is supposedly one of the better ones

Best wishes x :hugs:

14-02-11, 14:39

Thanks for your reply. It was a feeling like no other! like something i wouldn't come back from. Horrible.
I hope he lets me try Cipralex again, but then who knows if i'll react to that too its been a while.
Will update when i know more. Its funny because a few people i've spoken to have said they lasted 5 days after a bad reaction.Its like the 5th day is the final straw :ohmy:

14-02-11, 15:18
Hi again

A paradox reaction is a medication having the opposite effect of the one it's supposed to have - I got this to a large dose of diazepam many years ago (it was being given to me as a sedative for minor surgery and it just made me worse).

It doesn't mean that you will react that way to Cipralex though, so don't worry too much about it. Usually the worse side effect I get to it that it makes me feel a bit nauseous, but eating food with it sorts that out.

14-02-11, 15:58
the word stertraline caught my eye straight away. This is probably one of the worst drugs I have ever taken. I felt like I downed 20 espresso!!. I stuck it for about 2 weeks then changed i had much to same response to venlafaxine. I think there are some SSRI that are better for anxiety(where you need calming) like paroxetine, citalopram, and then some are better for depression like stert and venla, However I have both!!-but I can cope with a 'bit' of depression but I CANNOT deal with more anxiety than I generate myself!!
Change it
Is it your 1st time on SSRI?? and is is for anxiety??

14-02-11, 17:32
Im glad its not just me (im not glad others reacted badly, but you know what i mean!) i thought it was just me and i was going mad.
I still don't feel right since the last tablet saturday morning, but it has to leave my system...
Im not as bad i was yesterday,its like baby steps each day.
Thanks for shedding light on the Paradox reaction, that makes sense it did make me a lot lot worse.
I really am scared to try new, just in case it happens again and they wash their hands of me! luckily he is a good doctor, even apologised that i reacted that way. I know its trial and error, nobodys fault.
Will just have to wait and see what my appointment friday brings.

14-02-11, 18:32
hi clairly,
you are absolutly right about trial and error. If it is anxiety that is your problem then I found citalopram , cipralex and paroxetine the best ( I have tried most of them in my time!!!) Paroxietine worked best for me, but i know a lot of people struggle with it. What I found helpul when i was starting the med was to at least half your starting dose and then gradually up it over say 2 weeks- the brain fry/dreams/out of it feelings are a LOT less so its a gradual relief instead of being hit by a streamroller!

For Example if your starting dose is 10mgs then start on 5 or even 2.5.
It usually takes about a week for me to acheive 'washout' with a drug i;ve stopped, but the first 3 days are the worst.

14-02-11, 18:50
I was bad on Setraline, bad palpitations, insomnia, felt really detached and constant nausea, barely ate a thing, would sit down for a meal I had spent time cooking and would barely touch it..even my mum thought I looked ill.

Am now on Citalopram and feeling much better, I know all drugs take time to settle but rwally didn't think Setraline was for me. For some its fine tho x

15-02-11, 08:43
Thanks for your replys, its interesting to read others reactions, makes me feel less alone with it.
I slept a bit better last night so it must be leaving my system now, its been 3 days since my last tablet. What a week its been!