View Full Version : Muscle pain or kidney pain in the left flank?

13-02-11, 19:05
I have had an achey pain on and off in the left flank area - the area at the bottom of my rib cage near my spine (in the triangle area) - for about four weeks now. It seems to be muscular. But I am paranoid it might be my left kidney playing up...

I have had none of the usual kidney-related symptoms, such as urine problems, fever, swollen ankles or wrists, high BP, nausea, etc. etc. Just this annoying achey pain in the left kidney area. It seems to go when I have a really good stretch. So I'm convincing myself I have pulled a muscle and/or twinged a nerve. If I am moving around I have little or no pain, only when I am sitting/resting, such as sitting at the computer as I am now, does it come on. Also if I am lying on my right side in bed. This leads me to think I am pinching or pressing a nerve...

Does anyone know how to tell the difference between kidney pain and muscle pain in this area of the back??

Many thanks, NattyOne.

14-02-11, 00:21
yup, nerve or muscle pain. i have it too.