View Full Version : Does anyone get like this?

13-02-11, 20:45
I have had anxiety for almost my whole life.
For some reason, it has gotten worse lately. I am trying to deal with it, but it's not easy.
Sometimes my neck feels really tight and like there is pressure in it. I often have palpitations and sometimes feel like crying.

A week ago, I got really bad anxiety. I had been at my conselor's office crying, then had an appointment with my family doctor afterward.
When the nurse took my blood pressure it was high, so my doctor put me on a third blood pressure med.
I spent all night not wanting to take it and afraid.

The next day I saw a different dr and in his office my blood pressure went up to 180 over something.
When I got home, it had gone down.

Lately, I have been nervous and have had the palps.

Does any of this sound familiar?
What helped you?

Thank you very much,

13-02-11, 21:41
I know how scary it is to take medications, I have always been scared of meds. Try to listen to your doctor and take your medicine to get the blood pressure down. Try relaxation and breathing slow.